Cross-platform instrumentation and introspection library written in C.
This library is consumed by frida-core through its JavaScript bindings, GumJS.
Instrumentation core
- Inline hooking: Interceptor
- Stealthy code tracing: Stalker
- Memory monitoring: MemoryAccessMonitor
Cross-platform introspection
- Running threads and other process state
- Loaded modules, including their:
- Imports
- Exports
- Symbols
- Memory scanning
- DebugSymbol lookups
- Backtracer implementations
- Kernel state (iOS only for now)
Out-of-process dynamic linker for i/macOS: Gum.Darwin.Mapper
Code generation:
Code relocation:
Helper libraries for developers needing highly granular:
- Heap allocation tracking and leak checking.
- Profiling with worst-case inspector callback.
Download a devkit for statically linking into your own projects from the Frida releases page.