Use chezmoi, renovate and aqua to keep things updated
Start by installing chezmoi
and comtrya
binary somewhere in the PATH
and also the git
Then run:
chezmoi init frezbo
Then plug in the YubiKey and run gpg --card-status
and retrieve the key via gpg --card-edit
followed by fetch
Then retrieve the resident ssh keys by running ssh-keygen -K
, move the generated files to ~/.ssh
Then run chezmoi cd
followed by
chezmoi apply ~/.config/chezmoi
chezmoi apply ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml
chezmoi apply
Also run git config remote.origin.pushurl
so we use ssh for pushes.
This should setup all the required dot files.
Now we can proceed to installing aqua
Change into comtrya
directory and run comtrya apply -m dotfiles
Now log out and login so that new dotfiles gets processed.
We can now proceed to installing other packages.
Run chezmoi cd
and then cd into comtrya directory and run:
comtrya apply
to install all required packages.
At last run to set generate the ssh config file.
Run assh config build > ~/.ssh/config
Verify GitHub login via ssh -T