


Cache values in your Web Extension and clear them on expiration. Also includes a memoize-like API to cache any function results automatically.


You can download the standalone bundle and include it in your manifest.json.

Or use npm:

npm install webext-storage-cache


This module requires the storage permission and it’s suggested to also use alarms to safely schedule cache purging:

/* manifest.json */
	"permissions": [
	"background": {
		"scripts": [
			/* Remember to include/import it in the background to enable expired cache purging */
import {CachedValue} from 'webext-storage-cache';

const item = new CachedValue('unique', {
	maxAge: {
		days: 3,

(async () => {
	if (!(await item.isCached())) {
		const cachableItem = await someFunction();
		await item.set(cachableItem);

	console.log(await item.get());

The same code could also be written more effectively with CachedFunction:

import {CachedFunction} from 'webext-storage-cache';

const cachedFunction = new CachedFunction('unique', {
	updater: someFunction,
	maxAge: {
		days: 3,

(async () => {
	console.log(await cachedFunction());



Clears the cache. This is a special method that acts on the entire cache of the extension.

import {globalCache} from 'webext-storage-cache';

document.querySelector('.options .clear-cache').addEventListener('click', async () => {
	await globalCache.clear()

legacy API

The API used until v5 has been deprecated and you should migrate to:

You can:

import cache from "webext-storage-cache/legacy.js";

await cache.get('my-url');
await cache.set('my-url', 'https://example.com');

The documentation for the legacy API can be found on the v5 version of this readme.



MIT © Federico Brigante