This module provides you with an extended NativeFunction class.
It is meant to be used inside of a frida script.
See for example: frida-compile
const ExNativeFunction = require('frida-ex-nativefunction')
const openAddr = Module.findExportByName('', 'open')
const open = new ExNativeFunction(openAddr, 'int', ['pointer', 'int'])
console.log(open.address) // The provided openAddr
console.log(open.retType) // The provided return type
console.log(open.argTypes) // The provided argument types
console.log(open.abi) // The provided abi
// Shorthand for Interceptor.attach
const listener = open.intercept({
onEnter: function() {},
onLeave: function() {}
listener.detach() // You can use it like usual
// Shorthand for Interceptor.replace
open.replace((pathPtr, flags) => {
return open(pathPtr, flags)