



Semantra is a multipurpose tool for semantically searching documents. Query by meaning rather than just by matching text.

The tool, made to run on the command line, analyzes specified text and PDF files on your computer and launches a local web search application for interactively querying them. The purpose of Semantra is to make running a specialized semantic search engine easy, friendly, configurable, and private/secure.

Semantra is built for individuals seeking needles in haystacks — journalists sifting through leaked documents on deadline, researchers seeking insights within papers, students engaging with literature by querying themes, historians connecting events across books, and so forth.


This page gives a high-level overview of Semantra and a reference of its features. It's also available in other languages: Semantra en español, Semantra 中文说明


Ensure you have Python >= 3.9.

The easiest way to install Semantra is via pipx. If you do not have pipx installed, run:

python3 -m pip install --user pipx

Or, if you have Homebrew installed, you can run brew install pipx.

Once pipx is installed, run:

python3 -m pipx ensurepath

Open a new terminal window for the new path settings pipx sets to go into effect. Then run:

python3 -m pipx install semantra

This will install Semantra on your path. You should be able to run semantra in the terminal and see output.

Note: if the above steps don't work or you'd like a more granular installation, you can install Semantra in a virtual environment (though note it will only be accessible while the virtual environment is activated):

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install semantra


Semantra operates on collections of documents — text or PDF files — stored on your local computer.

At its simplest, you can run Semantra over a single document by running:

semantra doc.pdf

You can run Semantra over multiple documents, too:

semantra report.pdf book.txt

Semantra will take some time to process the input documents. This is a one-time operation per document (subsequent runs over the same document collection will be near instantaneous).

Once processing is complete, Semantra will launch a local webserver, by default at localhost:8080. On this web page, you can interactively query the passed in documents semantically.

Quick notes:

When you first run Semantra, it may take several minutes and several hundred megabytes of hard disk space to download a local machine learning model that can process the document you passed in. The model used can be customized, but the default one is a great mix of being fast, lean, and effective.

If you want to process documents quickly without using your own computational resources and don't mind paying or sharing data with external services, you can use OpenAI's embedding model.

Quick tour of the web app

When you first navigate to the Semantra web interface, you will see a screen like this:

Semantra web interface

Type in something in the search box to start querying semantically. Hit <kbd>Enter</kbd> or click the search icon to execute the query.

Search results will appear in the left pane ordered by most relevant documents:

Semantra search results

The yellow scores show relevance from 0-1.00. Anything in the 0.50 range indicates a strong match. Lighter brown highlights will stream in over the search results explaining the most relevant portions to your query.

Clicking on a search result's text will navigate to the relevant section of the associated document.

Highlighted search result in document

Clicking on the plus/minus buttons associated with a search result will positively/negatively tag those results. Re-running the query will cause these additional query parameters to go into effect.

Positively/negatively tagging search results

Finally, text queries can be added and subtracted with plus/minus signs in the query text to sculpt a precise semantic meaning.

Adding and subtracting text queries

For a more in-depth walkthrough of the web app, check out the tutorial or the web app reference.

Quick concepts

Using a semantic search engine is fundamentally different than an exact text matching algorithm.

For starters, there will always be search results for a given query, no matter how irrelevant it is. The scores may be really low, but the results will never disappear entirely. This is because semantic searching with query arithmetic often reveals useful results amid very minor score differences. The results will always be sorted by relevance and only the top 10 results per document are shown so the lower scoring results are cut off automatically.

Another difference is that Semantra will not necessarily find exact text matches if you query something that directly appears in the document. At a high level, this is because words can mean different things in different contexts, e.g. the word "leaves" can refer to the leaves on trees or to someone leaving. The embedding models that Semantra uses convert all the text and queries you enter into long sequences of numbers that can be mathematically compared, and an exact substring match is not always significant in this sense. See the embeddings concept doc for more information on embeddings.

Command-line reference

semantra [OPTIONS] [FILENAME(S)]...


Frequently asked questions

Can it use ChatGPT?

No, and this is by design.

Semantra does not use any generative models like ChatGPT. It is built only to query text semantically without any layers on top to attempt explaining, summarizing, or synthesizing results. Generative language models occasionally produce outwardly plausible but ultimately incorrect information, placing the burden of verification on the user. Semantra treats primary source material as the only source of truth and endeavors to show that a human-in-the-loop search experience on top of simpler embedding models is more serviceable to users.


The Python app is in src/semantra/semantra.py and is managed as a standard Python command-line project with pyproject.toml.

The local web app is written in Svelte and managed as a standard npm application.

To develop for the web app cd into client and then run npm install.

To build the web app, run npm run build. To build the web app in watch mode and rebuild when there's changes, run npm run build:watch.


The app is still in early stages, but contributions are welcome. Please feel free to submit an issue for any bugs or feature requests.