

<p align=center> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/free-audio/clap/main/artwork/clap-full-logo-white.png"> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/free-audio/clap/main/artwork/clap-full-logo-black.png"> <img alt="CLAP" title="Clever Audio Plugin" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/free-audio/clap/main/artwork/clap-full-logo-black.png" width=200> </picture> </p>

Learn about CLAP

CLAP stands for CLever Audio Plugin. It is an interface that provides a stable ABI to define a standard for Digital Audio Workstations and audio plugins (synthesizers, audio effects, ...) to work together.

The ABI, or Application Binary Interface, serves as a means of communication between a host and a plugin. It provides backwards compatibility, that is, a plugin binary compiled with CLAP 1.x can be loaded by any other CLAP 1.y.

To work with CLAP, include clap/clap.h. To also include the draft extensions, include clap/all.h.

The two most important objects are clap_host and clap_plugin.

src/plugin-template.c is a very minimal example which demonstrates how to wire a CLAP plugin.

Entry point

The entry point is declared in entry.h.


Most features come from extensions, which are in fact C interfaces.

// host extension
const clap_host_log *log = host->extension(host, CLAP_EXT_LOG);
if (log)
   log->log(host, CLAP_LOG_INFO, "Hello World! ;^)");

// plugin extension
const clap_plugin_params *params = plugin->extension(plugin, CLAP_EXT_PARAMS);
if (params)
   uint32_t paramsCount = params->count(plugin);
   // ...

The extensions are defined in the ext folder.

Some extensions are still in the progress of being designed and they are in the draft folder.

An extension comes with:

You can create your own extensions and share them. Make sure that the extension identifier:

All strings are valid UTF-8.

Fundamental extensions

This is a list of the extensions that you most likely want to implement and use to get a basic plugin experience:

Support extensions

Deeper Host integration

Third-party extensions




Community related projects

Programming Language Bindings
