Neovim Configuration
A Neovim configuration that's designed to ease customization and extensibility. Avoid the pitfalls of starting from scratch and fighting with highly opinionated distributions.
<details> <summary>Color Palette:</summary> </details>Screenshots
<details> <summary>Neovim startup screen:</summary> </details> <details> <summary>Telescope Integration:</summary> </details> <details> <summary>Plugin Management via Lazy:</summary> </details> <details> <summary>LSP/DAP Management via Mason:</summary> </details> <details> <summary>Integrated Unit Testing:</summary> </details> <details> <summary>Integrated Debugging:</summary> </details> <details> <summary>Customized Status Bar:</summary></details> <details> <summary>File Explorer:</summary> </details>
Language Support (LSP)
Support for the following languages are included along with (where applicable) debugging and unit testing functionality from within Neovim.
- Bash
- C
- C++
- Go
- Lua
- Markdown
- Rust
See the associated lua files in the language directory lua/plugins/lang
for a
list of required dependencies that must be installed.
o- colors
| o- peanut.lua
o- init.lua
o- lua
| o- peanut
| | o- groups
| | | o- alpha.lua
| | | o- cmp.lua
| | | o- dapui.lua
| | | o- git.lua
| | | o- highlights.lua
| | | o- init.lua
| | | o- lazy.lua
| | | o- lsp.lua
| | | o- markview.lua
| | | o- mason.lua
| | | o- neotest.lua
| | | o- nvimtree.lua
| | | o- statusline.lua
| | | o- telescope.lua
| | | o- treesitter.lua
| | | o- whichkey.lua
| | o- init.lua
| | o- palette.lua
| | o- settings.lua
| | o- util.lua
| o- plugins
| o- alpha.lua
| o- cmp.lua
| o- conform.lua
| o- dap.lua
| o- feline.lua
| o- gitsigns.lua
| o- icons.lua
| o- lang
| | o- bash.lua
| | o- cpp.lua
| | o- go.lua
| | o- json.lua
| | o- lua.lua
| | o- markdown.lua
| | o- powershell.lua
| | o- rust.lua
| | o- yaml.lua
| o- lspconfig.lua
| o- mini.lua
| o- neotest.lua
| o- nvimtree.lua
| o- oil.lua
| o- persistence.lua
| o- telescope.lua
| o- treesitter.lua
| o- whichkey.lua
o- palette.html
o- reset.ps1
o- screenshots
o- dashboard.png
o- explorer.png
o- lazy_plugin_management.png
o- mason_lsp_plugin_management.png
o- palette.png
o- screenshot_debug.png
o- screenshot_regular.png
o- screenshot_unit_testing.png
o- statusbar_inactive.png
o- statusbar_lazy_update.png
o- statusbar_regular.png
o- statusbar_search_macro.png
o- telescope.png