


📦 Provides ENUM type support for Doctrine in Symfony applications.

Scrutinizer Quality Score Build Status CodeCov License Latest Stable Version Total Downloads StyleCI Gitter

Supported platforms 🧐


Installation 🌱

composer req fresh/doctrine-enum-bundle

Choose the version you need
Bundle Version (X.Y.Z)PHPSymfonyDoctrine BundleComment
11.0.*>= 8.2>= 7.0>= 2.12Current version
10.1.*>= 8.2>= 7.0>= 2.11Previous

Check the config/bundles.php file

By default, Symfony Flex will add this bundle to the config/bundles.php file. But in case you ignored contrib-recipe during bundle installation it would not be added. In this case add the bundle manually:

# config/bundles.php

return [
    // Other bundles...
    Fresh\DoctrineEnumBundle\FreshDoctrineEnumBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    // Other bundles...

Usage 🧑‍🎓

Features 🎁

Contributing 🤝

Read the CONTRIBUTING file.