


Vite Edge Side Rendering (ESR) framework for Vue and React, or bring your own view library.

What's ESR? Think of SSR (Server Side Rendering) in CDN nodes instead of actual servers. This is possible today thanks to Cloudflare Workers (and maybe some other platforms in the near future).

Vitedge is just a Vite app ™ that prerenders the first view in an edge worker and runs the rest as an SPA. That means it will lead to good SEO while keeping the snappy routing and DX of an SPA.

It can replace static site generators in some situations since it builds on the fly and caches at the edge. Therefore, instead of getting a static index.html from the CDN, the CDN itself will create it on the fly or provide it from cache if it was already accessed (with configurable cache age + stale-while-revalidate).

Even though running it at the edge is ideal, it is actually compatible with any Node environment such as Vercel or Netlify.

See live demo, and Vue or React starter templates. If you want to bring your own view library, have a look at the Vanilla JS example as a guide.


Docs & Community

See docs.

To talk about Vitedge, join ViteLand Discord and check #vitedge channel or use GitHub's Discussions.




See contributing guide.