

TopoDiff, a guided diffusion model for Topology Optimization

This repository contains the codebase for Diffusion Models Beat GANs on Topology Optimization.


This directory contains:

Getting Started Instructions

To setup the infrastructure needed to run the code, please run the following command at the root of this directory.

pip install -e .

This should install all the libraries needed to run the code and the topodiff package.

Also make sure you have filled the data directory with the three datasets ; and the checkpoints directory with the three checkpoints if you do not conduct your own training.

Then, open with Jupyter the notebooks to launch training, sample or analysis.

The order of the trainings does not matter and all three trainings are independant.

More details and contact information

Should you need any additional detail, please check out this page that gives an overview of the project.

Should you need help with running the code, please contact fmaze@mit.edu or faez@mit.edu.