

ACF Tweet Field

An ACF custom field that gets a single Tweet Data from the twitter API from the tweet ID.


An ACF custom field that gets a single Tweet Data from the twitter API from the tweet ID.


This ACF field type is compatible with:


  1. Copy the acf-tweet folder into your wp-content/plugins folder
  2. Activate the Tweet plugin via the plugins admin page
  3. Create a new field via ACF and select the Tweet type
  4. Please refer to the description for more info regarding the field type settings

Docker setup for Plugin Dev

This plugin also comes with a docker-compose.yml file which allows you to run a clean instance of Wordpress with ACF Pro 5 and acf-field-tweet as plugins for development purposes. Because this plugin requires ACF PRO you need to download the plugin on your own and link to it in the docker-compose file.

  1. Edit docker-compose.yml and modify the Volumes path to your own advanced-custom-fields-pro path.
  2. run docker-compose up in this plugin folder, and follow the instruction to create a new Wordpress Install.
  3. Go in the Plugins admin panel and activate both ACF PRO and ACF Field Tweet


