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The JumpingBeans make your test jump to the eye. Literally!

What are the JumpingBeans

Have you ever used Hangouts? If not, do it and then come back here. Go. Go, I said!

Good. With that under our belt, we can be confident you've seen at least once those fancy, nice jumping suspension dots that Hangouts uses to indicate that someone is typing, or some other kind of ongoing activity (e.g., connecting to a video hangout).

Well, since there's no official naming for them, and since they remind me of the jumping Mexican beans, the name for a library that emulates their behaviour has come to be exactly that: JumpingBeans.

See them in action

Please come closer, ladies and gentlemen! Here you have, for your own amusement, the amazing JumpingBeans:

Jumping dots

Animated first word

Make your project jump around

In order to use JumpingBeans in your own project, you can use the wonderous remote dependencies capabilities that Gradle offers you (if you're not using Gradle and Android Studio/IntelliJ offer you, I'm sorry for you.) (No, I mean it, I'm really sorry for you!)

Just make sure you have jcenter() in your root build.gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {

And then just add the JumpingBeans dependency to your module's build.gradle:

dependencies {
    compile 'net.frakbot:jumpingbeans:1.3.0'

What you can do

The library supports two main operation modes: appending three jumping dots, Hangouts-style, or making any arbitrary subsection of a CharSequence jump, either as a wave or as a single block.

Append jumping dots

This method takes the trailing ... (or appends them, if the given TextView's text doesn't end in three dots), and makes them jump like it was -the 70s- Hangouts.

The defaults emulate the Hangouts L&F as closely as possible, but you can easily change the animation properties to suit your needs.

Make text jumping

This method takes the specified subsection a the TextView text and animates it as to make it jump.


Just create a JumpingBeans by using its Builder and call the method you want:

// Append jumping dots
final TextView textView1 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.jumping_text_1);
jumpingBeans1 = JumpingBeans.with(textView1)
// Make the first word's letters jump
final TextView textView2 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.jumping_text_2);
jumpingBeans2 = JumpingBeans.with(textView2)
        .makeTextJump(0, textView2.getText().toString().indexOf(' '))
        .setLoopDuration(1000)  // ms

Customising the jumpin' beans

Just act on the Builder. Don't want the dots to jump in a wave? Call setIsWave(false). Don't like the default loop duration? setLoopDuration(int) is here to help. Fancy different per-char delays in waves? Well, ya know that setWavePerCharDelay(int) is the one you want. Maybe you wanted to have a shorter pause between jumping cycles? BAM, setAnimatedDutyCycle(float) and you're all set.

Being a responsible citizen

Since Spans were not really designed to be animated, there's some trickery going on behind the scenes to make this happen. You needn't be concerned with it, but make sure you call the stopJumping() method on your JumpingBeans object whenever you stop using the TextView (it's detaching from the view tree, or the container Activity or Fragment is going in paused state, ...).

This allows a deeper cleanup than what the JumpingBeans library is trying to perform if you forget to. Don't leave stuff lying around if you can!

Also, a few caveats

Please note that you:

Demo app

You can find the JumpingBeans demo app on the Google Play Store.

JumpingBeans Demo on Google Play Store


This library was written by Sebastiano Poggi and released by Frakbot under the Apache 2.0 License.

Please see the NOTICE file for details.