

Azure AD Connect password extraction

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This toolkit offers several ways to extract and decrypt stored Azure AD and Active Directory credentials from Azure AD Connect servers. These credentials have high privileges in both the on-premise directory and the cloud. The tools are released as part of my Azure AD presentation at TROOPERS 19. For more info on the technical background you can watch the presentation on YouTube or view the slides here. You can download the latest binaries of this tool here (click on Artifacts in the top right corner).

Note that the storage method of the credentials was changed in late 2019. You should run the ADSyncDecrypt tool under the context of NT SERVICE\ADSync for it to work. ADSyncGather still needs fixing for this method, but adconnectdump.py/ADSyncQuery should be working. The inner workings of this method are described in this blog.

Tool comparison

This repository features 3 different ways of dumping credentials.

The following table highlights the differences between the techniques:

ToolRequires code execution on targetDLL dependenciesRequires MSSQL locallyRequires python locally
ADSyncQueryNo (network RPC calls only)NoYesYes



Execute as admin on the Azure AD connect host from a location that has the required DLLs (by default AD Connect is installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Bin). It will give you the configuration XML and the decrypted encrypted configuration.


Run ADSyncGather.exe on the Azure AD connect host (as Administrator), for example in memory using execute-assembly. Save the output to a file and parse it with decrypt.py:

F:\> decrypt.py .\output.txt utf-16-le
Azure AD credentials
        Username: Sync_o365-app-server_206b1a1ede1f@frozenliquids.onmicrosoft.com
        Password: :&A!>rWD...[REDACTED]
Local AD credentials
        Domain: office.local
        Username: MSOL_206b1a1ede1f
        Password: )JH|L;hO2UUVIE*T>k[6R2.S!l%Wdxmf(@w_tYlEA:5{G)Ka[sT|E0E[9>m!(N=...[REDACTED]

ADSyncQuery / adconnectdump.py

You should call adconnectdump.py from Windows. It will dump the Azure AD connect credentials over the network similar to secretsdump.py (you also will need to have impacket and pycryptodomex installed to run this). ADSyncQuery.exe should be in the same directory as it will be used to parse the database that is downloaded (this requires MSSQL LocalDB installed on your host).

dump example

Alternatively you can run the tool on any OS, wait for it to download the DB and error out, then copy the mdf and ldf files to your Windows machine with MSSQL, run ADSyncQuery.exe c:\absolute\path\to\ADSync.mdf > out.txt and use this out.txt on your the system which can reach the Azure AD connect host with --existing-db and --from-file out.txt to do the rest.