


Spotify plugin for Flow Launcher


Control your Spotify client from the Flow Launcher. Search for tracks, artists, or albums and launch the results directly to your client. This plugin requires the use of the Spotify Web API, which is only accessible through Spotify Premium



spShow currently playing track
sp {spotify search query}Search all of Spotify
sp track {track name}Search for a track
sp artist {artist name}Search for an artist
sp album {album name}Search for an album
sp playlist {playlist name}Search personal playlists
sp queue {track name}Search for track and queue it
sp nextPlay next track
sp lastPlay previous track
sp playResume currently playing track
sp pausePause currently playing track
sp muteToggle Mute
sp volume {level}Set Volume (absolute 1-100 or relative +/- 20)
sp deviceSet Active Device
sp shuffleToggle Shuffle Mode
sp reconnectForce a full reconnection
sp likeAdd the playing track to liked songs
sp like {track name}Search for a track to add to liked songs
sp unlikeRemove the playing track from liked songs


- If using roaming, your Flow Userdata Directory is: `%APPDATA%\FlowLauncher`
- If using portable, your Flow Userdata Directory is : `%localappdata%\FlowLauncher\app-<VersionOfYourFlowLauncher>\UserData`
- To generate a Client ID and Secret, navigate to ``https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/``, login, and generate your own ID & Key
- After generating a key pair, under "edit settings", add `http://localhost:4002/callback` as a Redirect URI


Third-Party Libraries

To Do - Ideas