

Fortune Micro API Serializer

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This is a Micro API serializer for Fortune.js, which is compatible with the specification as of 2017-04-25.

$ npm install fortune fortune-http fortune-micro-api


const http = require('http')
const fortune = require('fortune')
const fortuneHTTP = require('fortune-http')
const microApiSerializer = require('fortune-micro-api')

const options = {
  entryPoint: 'http://example.com',
  externalContext: '/context.jsonld'

// `instance` is an instance of Fortune.js.
const listener = fortuneHTTP(instance, {
  serializers: [
    // The `options` object here is required.
    [ microApiSerializer, options ]

// The listener function may be used as a standalone server, or
// may be composed as part of a framework.
const server = http.createServer((request, response) =>
  // When an external context is set, it should be handled externally.
  (request.url.indexOf(options.externalContext) === 0 ?
    microApiSerializer.showExternalContext(response, options) :
    listener(request, response))
  .catch(error => { /* error logging */ }))


The options object is as follows:

Inherited options:


Instead of using JSON as a serialization format, it can optionally use MessagePack instead, with an unregistered media type application/x-micro-api. It has the advantage of serializing dates and buffers properly.

const microApiSerializer = require('fortune-micro-api')

// Alternative serializer with unregistered media type.
const microApiMsgPack = microApiSerializer.msgpack


This software is licensed under the MIT license.