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nix-bitcoin is a collection of Nix packages and NixOS modules for easily installing full-featured Bitcoin nodes with an emphasis on security.


nix-bitcoin can be used for personal or merchant wallets, public infrastructure or for Bitcoin application backends. In all cases, the aim is to provide security and privacy by default. However, while nix-bitcoin is used in production today, it is still considered experimental.

nix-bitcoin nodes can be deployed on dedicated hardware, virtual machines or containers. The Nix packages and NixOS modules can be used independently and combined freely.

nix-bitcoin is built on top of Nix and NixOS which provide powerful abstractions to keep it highly customizable and maintainable. Testament to this are nix-bitcoin's robust security features and its potent test framework. However, running nix-bitcoin does not require any previous experience with the Nix ecosystem.

Get started


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<!-- TODO-EXTERNAL: --> <!-- Change query to `nix-bitcoin` when upstream search has been fixed -->


A configuration preset for setting up a secure node

NixOS modules (src)


See SECURITY.md for the security policy and how to report a vulnerability.

nix-bitcoin aims to achieve a high degree of security by building on the following principles:

Note that if the machine you're deploying from is insecure, there is nothing nix-bitcoin can do to protect itself.

Security fund

The nix-bitcoin security fund is a 2 of 3 bitcoin multisig address open for donations, used to reward security researchers who discover vulnerabilities in nix-bitcoin or its upstream dependencies.
See Security Fund for details.


See dev/README.


If you are having problems with nix-bitcoin check the FAQ or submit an issue.
There's also a Matrix room at #general:nixbitcoin.org and a #nix-bitcoin IRC channel on libera.
We are always happy to help.