

Directus Hook Library

NPM version

A collection of customizable hooks for Directus. This is not an extension, but a library of scripts that could be used inside a Directus hook extension.

Installation & Usage

First create a Directus Extension and during setup choose the extension type hook.

Inside the extension folder install directus-hook-library:

npm install directus-hook-library

Import it in src/index.ts, like:

import { setProjectSettingsFromEnvVars } from "directus-hook-library";

Have a look at the examples below.

Tip: You can use multiple of these hook scripts inside the same Directus hook.

Hooks & Examples


Used to delete related M2O items that loose their relation and should not be kept, which is not possible via directus itself. This makes sense for a M2O relation that is used like a O2O relation.

Delete all oneCollection items that loose their relationship to a manyCollections item.

(!) Important: You have to specify a (hidden) reverse relationship O2M in your oneCollection inside Directus to make this work.

// src/index.ts
import { defineHook } from "@directus/extensions-sdk";
import { deleteUnusedM2OItems } from "directus-hook-library";

export default defineHook((register, context) => {
    deleteUnusedM2OItems(register, context, {
        oneCollection: "meta_infos",
        manyCollections: {
            pages: "pages",
            posts: "posts",


Used to delete related M2A items that loose their relation and should not be kept, which is not possible via directus itself.

Goes through all junctionCollections and stores the keys for each found anyCollection item. Then deletes all anyCollections items that are not included in the stored keys.

// src/index.ts
import { defineHook } from "@directus/extensions-sdk";
import {
} from "directus-hook-library";

export default defineHook((register, context) => {
    deleteUnusedM2AItems(register, context, {
        anyCollections: [
        junctionCollections: ["page_editor_nodes", "post_editor_nodes"].map(

toAnyCollectionM2A ... maps the array elements to objects of type AnyCollection with a default key field of “id”.

toJunctionCollectionM2A ... maps the array elements to objects of type JunctionCollection with a default foreignKey field of “item” and a default foreignCollection field of “collection”



Used for M2A items to prevent their deletion, which is not possible via directus itself.

Goes through all junctionCollections and searches for the relatedCollection items to delete. If found, prevents deletion.

Find M2A items by searching the schema for “one_allowed_collections” and look for collections that are deletable/reachable by the app/user (many_collection goes to the junctionCollections)

// src/index.ts
import { defineHook } from "@directus/extensions-sdk";
import {
} from "directus-hook-library";

export default defineHook((register, context) => {
    preventDeletingM2AItems(register, context, {
        relatedCollections: ["video"],
        junctionCollections: ["page_editor_nodes", "post_editor_nodes"].map(

toJunctionCollectionM2A ... maps the array elements to objects of type JunctionCollection with a default foreignKey field of “item” and a default foreignCollection field of “collection”



This replaces the reference to a deleted user with a reference to the current user in the directus_files collection.

// src/index.ts
import { defineHook } from "@directus/extensions-sdk";
import { replaceDeletedUserReferences } from "directus-hook-library";

export default defineHook((register, context) => {
    replaceDeletedUserReferences(register, context);


Set fields to null that have a value but are hidden by a condition.

// src/index.ts
import { defineHook } from "@directus/extensions-sdk";
import { resetFieldsHiddenByOption } from "directus-hook-library";

export default defineHook((register, context) => {
    resetFieldsHiddenByOption(register, context, {
        collection: "conditional",
        optionsField: "detail",
        resetGroups: [
                not: ["yes"],
                nullify: ["title", "description"],
                not: ["no"],
                nullify: ["external_link"],


Used for setting project settings from ENV vars like, PROJECT_URL.

This overwrites the values for settings in the Project Settings when starting Directus.

// src/index.ts
import { defineHook } from "@directus/extensions-sdk";
import { setProjectSettingsFromEnvVars } from "directus-hook-library";

export default defineHook((register, context) => {
    setProjectSettingsFromEnvVars(register, context, [

For ENV variables like:
