


Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt


Most prompts are cluttered, ugly and slow. I wanted something visually pleasing that stayed out of my way.



Can be installed with npm or manually. Requires git 2.0.0+ and ZSH 5.0.0+.


$ npm install --global pure-prompt

That's it. Skip to Getting started.


  1. Either…
  1. Symlink pure.zsh to somewhere in $fpath with the name prompt_pure_setup.

  2. Symlink async.zsh in $fpath with the name async.


$ ln -s "$PWD/pure.zsh" /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/prompt_pure_setup
$ ln -s "$PWD/async.zsh" /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/async

Run echo $fpath to see possible locations.

For a user-specific installation (which would not require escalated privileges), simply add a directory to $fpath for that user:

# .zshenv or .zshrc
fpath=( "$HOME/.zfunctions" $fpath )

Then install the theme there:

$ ln -s "$PWD/pure.zsh" "$HOME/.zfunctions/prompt_pure_setup"
$ ln -s "$PWD/async.zsh" "$HOME/.zfunctions/async"

Getting started

Initialize the prompt system (if not so already) and choose pure:

# .zshrc
autoload -U promptinit && promptinit
prompt pure



The max execution time of a process before its run time is shown when it exits. Defaults to 5 seconds.


Set PURE_GIT_PULL=0 to prevent Pure from checking whether the current Git remote has been updated.


Set PURE_GIT_UNTRACKED_DIRTY=0 to not include untracked files in dirtiness check. Only really useful on extremely huge repos like the WebKit repo.


Time in seconds to delay git dirty checking for large repositories (git status takes > 2 seconds). The check is performed asynchronously, this is to save CPU. Defaults to 1800 seconds.


Defines the prompt symbol. The default value is .


Defines the git down arrow symbol. The default value is .


Defines the git up arrow symbol. The default value is .


# .zshrc

autoload -U promptinit && promptinit

# optionally define some options

prompt pure


Tomorrow Night Eighties theme with the Droid Sans Mono font (15pt) is a beautiful combination, as seen in the screenshot above. Just make sure you have anti-aliasing enabled in your Terminal.

To have commands colorized as seen in the screenshot install zsh-syntax-highlighting.



  1. Symlink (or copy) pure.zsh to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/pure.zsh-theme
  2. Symlink (or copy) async.zsh to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/async.zsh
  3. Add ZSH_THEME="pure" to your .zshrc file.


Set zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'pure' in ~/.zpreztorc.


Update your .zshrc file with the following two lines (order matters). Do not use the antigen theme function.

antigen bundle mafredri/zsh-async
antigen bundle sindresorhus/pure


My preprompt is missing when I clear the screen with Ctrl+L

Pure doesn't register its custom clear-screen widget if it has been previously modified. If you haven't registered your own zle widget with zle -N clear-screen custom-clear-screen it might have been done by third-party modules. For example zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-history-substring-search are known to do this and they should for that reason be the very last thing in your .zshrc (as pointed out in their documentation).

To find out the culprit that is overriding your clear-screen widget, you can run the following command: zle -l | grep clear-screen.

I am stuck in a shell loop in my terminal that ask me to authenticate. What should I do ?

This is a known issue. Using git pull when you get the username prompt should help you to break the loop by giving you a real prompt for this. This has been fixed in git 2.3

I am seeing the error zpty: can't open pseudo terminal: bad file descriptor.

This is a known issue. zsh/zpty requires either legacy bsd ptys or access to /dev/ptmx. Here are some known solutions.


sudo sh -c "echo 'SANDBOX_WRITE=\"/dev/ptmx\"' > /etc/sandbox.d/10zsh"
sudo emerge -1 zsh

FreeBSD 10.1

On a default setup, running the command kldload pty should do the trick. If you have a custom kernel, you might need to add device pty to the configuration file (example).


Sindre SorhusMathias Fredriksson
Sindre SorhusMathias Fredriksson


MIT © Sindre Sorhus