

ng2redux simple application


ng2redux is Angular2 bindings for Redux. This repository includes a very simple example of usage of ng2redux. It implements counter application with two different pages. Each page shows different approach of working with Redux store.

  1. Usage of @Connect decorator, that allows to bind properties and actions to a component. It maps state to properties and updates them on every state change. It also maps store's dispatch method to actions and allows to dispatch actions on component's events.

  2. Injection of Store into a component. Since the store is injected, it is available in component's scope and allows a user to subscribe to state changes and to dispatch actions.

Live example

Live example can be found here: http://forforeach.github.io/ng2redux-simple-starter


Clone this repository and run:



If you find yourself running into issues during installation or running of this application, please open an issue.

Based on

This app is based on Google's Web Starter Kit. This is great starter for web apps that implements build workflow with Gulp.


MIT Copyright 2016 Dima Kuzmich