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Pagser inspired by <u>pag</u>e par<u>ser</u>

Pagser is a simple, extensible, configurable parse and deserialize html page to struct based on goquery and struct tags for golang crawler.



go get -u github.com/foolin/pagser

Or get the specified version:

go get github.com/foolin/pagser@{version}

The {version} release list: https://github.com/foolin/pagser/releases



See Pagser


package main

import (

const rawPageHtml = `
<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Pagser Title</title>
	<meta name="keywords" content="golang,pagser,goquery,html,page,parser,colly">

	<h1>H1 Pagser Example</h1>
	<div class="navlink">
		<div class="container">
			<ul class="clearfix">
				<li id=''><a href="/">Index</a></li>
				<li id='2'><a href="/list/web" title="web site">Web page</a></li>
				<li id='3'><a href="/list/pc" title="pc page">Pc Page</a></li>
				<li id='4'><a href="/list/mobile" title="mobile page">Mobile Page</a></li>

type PageData struct {
	Title    string   `pagser:"title"`
	Keywords []string `pagser:"meta[name='keywords']->attrSplit(content)"`
	H1       string   `pagser:"h1"`
	Navs     []struct {
		ID   int    `pagser:"->attrEmpty(id, -1)"`
		Name string `pagser:"a->text()"`
		Url  string `pagser:"a->attr(href)"`
	} `pagser:".navlink li"`

func main() {
	//New default config
	p := pagser.New()

	//data parser model
	var data PageData
	//parse html data
	err := p.Parse(&data, rawPageHtml)
	//check error
	if err != nil {

	//print data
	log.Printf("Page data json: \n-------------\n%v\n-------------\n", toJson(data))

func toJson(v interface{}) string {
	data, _ := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", "\t")
	return string(data)

Run output:

Page data json: 
	"Title": "Pagser Title",
	"Keywords": [
	"H1": "H1 Pagser Example",
	"Navs": [
			"ID": -1,
			"Name": "Index",
			"Url": "/"
			"ID": 2,
			"Name": "Web page",
			"Url": "/list/web"
			"ID": 3,
			"Name": "Pc Page",
			"Url": "/list/pc"
			"ID": 4,
			"Name": "Mobile Page",
			"Url": "/list/mobile"


type Config struct {
	TagName    string //struct tag name, default is `pagser`
	FuncSymbol   string //Function symbol, default is `->`
	Debug        bool   //Debug mode, debug will print some log, default is `false`

Struct Tag Grammar

[goquery selector]->[function]


type ExamData struct {
	Herf string `pagser:".navLink li a->attr(href)"`

1.Struct tag name: pagser
2.goquery selector: .navLink li a
3.Function symbol: ->
4.Function name: attr
5.Function arguments: href



Builtin functions

More builtin functions see docs: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/foolin/pagser?tab=doc#BuiltinFunctions

Extension functions

Extensions function need register, like:

import "github.com/foolin/pagser/extensions/markdown"

p := pagser.New()

//Register Markdown

Custom function

Function interface

type CallFunc func(node *goquery.Selection, args ...string) (out interface{}, err error)

Define global function

//global function need call pagser.RegisterFunc("MyGlob", MyGlobalFunc) before use it.
// this global method must call pagser.RegisterFunc("MyGlob", MyGlobalFunc).
func MyGlobalFunc(node *goquery.Selection, args ...string) (out interface{}, err error) {
	return "Global-" + node.Text(), nil

type PageData struct{
  MyGlobalValue string    `pagser:"->MyGlob()"`

func main(){

    p := pagser.New()

    //Register global function `MyGlob`
    p.RegisterFunc("MyGlob", MyGlobalFunc)


    //data parser model
    var data PageData
    //parse html data
    err := p.Parse(&data, rawPageHtml)


Define struct function

type PageData struct{
  MyFuncValue int    `pagser:"->MyFunc()"`

// this method will auto call, not need register.
func (d PageData) MyFunc(node *goquery.Selection, args ...string) (out interface{}, err error) {
	return "Struct-" + node.Text(), nil

func main(){

    p := pagser.New()


    //data parser model
    var data PageData
    //parse html data
    err := p.Parse(&data, rawPageHtml)


Call Syntax

Note: all function arguments are string, single quotes are optional.

  1. Function call with no arguments


  1. Function calls with one argument, and single quotes are optional



  1. Function calls with many arguments

->fn(one, two, three, ...)

->fn('one', 'two', 'three', ...)

  1. Function calls with single quotes and escape character

->fn('it\'s ok', 'two,xxx', 'three', ...)

Priority Order

Lookup function priority order:

struct method -> parent method -> ... -> global

More Examples

See advance example: https://github.com/foolin/pagser/tree/master/_examples/advance

Implicit type conversion

Automatic implicit type conversion, Output result string convert to int, int64, float64...

Support type:


Crawl page example

package main

import (

type PageData struct {
	Title    string `pagser:"title"`
	RepoList []struct {
		Names       []string `pagser:"h1->textSplit('/', true)"`
		Description string   `pagser:"h1 + p"`
		Stars       string   `pagser:"a.muted-link->eqAndText(0)"`
		Repo        string   `pagser:"h1 a->attrConcat('href', 'https://github.com', $value, '?from=pagser')"`
	} `pagser:"article.Box-row"`

func main() {
	resp, err := http.Get("https://github.com/trending")
	if err != nil {
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	//New default config
	p := pagser.New()

	//data parser model
	var data PageData
	//parse html data
	err = p.ParseReader(&data, resp.Body)
	//check error
	if err != nil {

	//print data
	log.Printf("Page data json: \n-------------\n%v\n-------------\n", toJson(data))

func toJson(v interface{}) string {
	data, _ := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", "\t")
	return string(data)

Run output:

2020/04/25 12:26:04 Page data json: 
	"Title": "Trending  repositories on GitHub today · GitHub",
	"RepoList": [
			"Names": [
			"Description": "An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate!",
			"Stars": "16,010",
			"Repo": "https://github.com/pcottle/learnGitBranching?from=pagser"
			"Names": [
			"Description": "Python - 100天从新手到大师",
			"Stars": "83,484",
			"Repo": "https://github.com/jackfrued/Python-100-Days?from=pagser"
			"Names": [
			"Description": "Next generation Brave browser for macOS, Windows, Linux, Android.",
			"Stars": "5,963",
			"Repo": "https://github.com/brave/brave-browser?from=pagser"
			"Names": [
			"Description": "Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure",
			"Stars": "3,798",
			"Repo": "https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs?from=pagser"
			"Names": [
			"Description": "Faster way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl",
			"Stars": "6,979",
			"Repo": "https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectx?from=pagser"


			"Names": [
			"Description": "Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions \u0026 more! –",
			"Stars": "35,502",
			"Repo": "https://github.com/serverless/serverless?from=pagser"
			"Names": [
			"Description": "Experimental no-bundle dev server for Vue SFCs",
			"Stars": "1,573",
			"Repo": "https://github.com/vuejs/vite?from=pagser"

Colly Example

Work with colly:

p := pagser.New()

// On every a element which has href attribute call callback
collector.OnHTML("body", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
	//data parser model
	var data PageData
	//parse html data
	err := p.ParseSelection(&data, e.Dom)


