



License: MIT

Inference of a bunch of models from less than 1B to more than 300B, for real-time chatting with RAG on your computer (CPU), pure C++ implementation based on @ggerganov's ggml.

| Supported Models | Download Quantized Models |

What's New:


Quick Start

As simple as python chatllm.py -i -m :model_id. Check it out.



Clone the ChatLLM.cpp repository into your local machine:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/foldl/chatllm.cpp.git && cd chatllm.cpp

If you forgot the --recursive flag when cloning the repository, run the following command in the chatllm.cpp folder:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Quantize Model

Some quantized models can be downloaded on demand.

Install dependencies of convert.py:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Use convert.py to transform models into quantized GGML format. For example, to convert the fp16 base model to q8_0 (quantized int8) GGML model, run:

# For models such as ChatLLM-6B, ChatLLM2-6B, InternLM, LlaMA, LlaMA-2, Baichuan-2, etc
python3 convert.py -i path/to/model -t q8_0 -o quantized.bin

# For some models such as CodeLlaMA, model type should be provided by `-a`
# Find `-a ...` option for each model in `docs/models.md`.
python3 convert.py -i path/to/model -t q8_0 -o quantized.bin -a CodeLlaMA

Use -l to specify the path of the LoRA model to be merged, such as:

python3 convert.py -i path/to/model -l path/to/lora/model -o quantized.bin

Note: Appropriately, only HF format is supported (with a few exceptions); Format of the generated .bin files is different from the one (GGUF) used by llama.cpp.


In order to build this project you have several different options.


Now you may chat with a quantized model by running:

./build/bin/main -m chatglm-ggml.bin                            # ChatGLM-6B
# 你好👋!我是人工智能助手 ChatGLM-6B,很高兴见到你,欢迎问我任何问题。
./build/bin/main -m llama2.bin  --seed 100                      # Llama-2-Chat-7B
# Hello! I'm here to help you with any questions or concerns ....

To run the model in interactive mode, add the -i flag. For example:

# On Windows
.\build\bin\Release\main -m model.bin -i

# On Linux (or WSL)
rlwrap ./build/bin/main -m model.bin -i

In interactive mode, your chat history will serve as the context for the next-round conversation.

Run ./build/bin/main -h to explore more options!



This project is my hobby project to learn DL & GGML, and under active development. PRs of features won't be accepted, while PRs for bug fixes are warmly welcome.