

Yet Another Fake Honeypot


  1. Clone repo locally<br> git clone https://github.com/fnzv/YAFH.git && cd YAFH
  2. Get deps<br> go get github.com/gliderlabs/ssh && go get github.com/kr/pty
  3. Build and create Go binaries <br> go build sshd.go && go build telnetd.go && go build fake-shell.go
  4. Execute the Honeypot(s): <br> ./sshd <br> ./telnetd <br>


If you want it to run 24/7, you can setup a systemd unit/supervisord running in background keeping the script up or just lunch the command with screen <br>

Running sshd on Docker

  1. Inside repo's directory: <br> docker build -t fnzv/yafh-sshd -f Dockerfile.ssh .
  2. Run the container and Expose the SSH Honeypot on port 22:<br> docker run -p 22:2222 -d fnzv/yafh-sshd <br>

Running telnetd on Docker

  1. Inside repo's directory: <br> docker build -t fnzv/yafh-telnetd -f Dockerfile.telnet .
  2. Run the container and Expose the TELNET Honeypot on port 23:<br> docker run -p 23:23 -d fnzv/yafh-telnetd <br>



Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 <br>