

Sirius is a modern coffeescript MVC/MVVM framework for client-side.


todoapp sources

browser support: IE9+, FF, Opera, Chrome



npm install sirius

or download manually sirius.min.js and jquery_adapter.min.js or prototype_js_adapter.min.js from repo.

or only core part: sirius-core.min.js


  1. grep -r -i -e 'fixme' -e 'todo' src
  2. more tests


1. Define controllers

MyController = 
  action: (param) ->
    # ...
  run: () ->
    # ...
  after_run: () ->
    # run after `run` method
  guard_event: (event) ->
    if condition 
  event_action: (event, id) ->
    # ...

1.1 Advanced with controllers

Sometimes you need to share some actions between all controllers - some services/ajax requests, or some like this, that's simple:

CommonMethods =

  ajax: (args...) ->
  on_more_action: (args...) ->

# then
    route: # you routes
    adapter: # some adapter
    controller_wrapper : CommonActions

# and now in you controller:

Controller =
  action: (url) =
    # possible use
    # any method from CommonActions, like
    logger.info("start ajax request")
    response = ajax(url)
    logger.info("stop ajax request, response #{response} given")

note: by default Sirius controller_wrapper contain only redirect action

2. Define routes

  routes =
    "application:run"   : controller: MyController, action: "action"
    "/plain"            : controller: MyController, action: "plain"
    "#/:title"          : controller: MyController, action: "run"
    "every 10s"         : controller: MyController, action: "refresh"
    "click #my-element" : controller: MyController, action: "event_action", guard: "guard_event", data: "id"  

more about routing and controllers

3. Define models

  class Person extends Sirius.BaseModel
     @attrs: ["id", "name", "age"]
     @comp("id_and_name", "id", "name") # <- computed field
     @guid_for: "id"
       id: only_integers: true

more about models

4. Run Application

  Sirius.Application.run({route: routes, adapter: new YourAdapter()})

more about application and settings

5. Use Validators

  class Person extends Sirius.BaseModel
    @attrs: ["id", "name", "age"]
    @guid_for: "id"
    @form_name: "my-person-form"
    @validate :
        presence: true
        format: with: /^[A-Z].+/
        length: min: 3, max: 7
        exclusion: ["title"]

5.1 Define custom Validator

  class MyValidator extends Sirius.Validator
    validate: (value, attrs) ->
      if value.length == 3
        @msg = "Error, value should have length 3"

# register validator
Sirius.BaseModel.register_validator("my_validator", MyValidator)

# and use
  class MyModel extends Sirius.BaseModel
    @attrs: ["title"]
        my_validator: some_attribute: true

more about validators


In Sirius, views are an element on the page. You might bind view and other views, or model.

  view = new Sirius.View("#id", (x) -> "#{x}!!!")
  view.render("new content").swap()
  # then in html <element id='id'>new content!!!</element>

swap - this strategy, how to work with content. Support: swap, append, prepend stretegies.

Define own strategy:

    transform: (oldvalue, newvalue) -> "<b>#{newvalue}<b>"
    render: (adapter, element, result, attribute) ->
      if attribute == 'text'
        throw new Error("Html strategy work only for text, not for #{attribute}")

# use it

view = new Sirius.View("#element")
view.render("some text").html()

# then in html

<span id='element'><b>some text</b></span>

Also you want to swap content for any attribute:


more about views

7. Use collections

persons = new Sirius.Collection(Person, {index: ['name']})
joe = new Person({"name": "Joe", "age" : 25})


person.find("name", "Joe").to_json() # => {"id" : "g-u-i-d", "name" : "Joe", "age" : 25}

more about collections

8. Binding (Materialization)

Supported binding: 1. view to model 2. view to view 3. model to view 4. or model|view to function.

View To Model

# view 
<div id="my-input">
  <input type="text" />

# model
class MyModel extends Sirius.BaseModel
  @attrs: ["id", "name"]
model = new MyModel()
view = new Sirius.View("#my-input")

# and now materialize!
Materializer.build(view, model) # from view to model
  .field((v) -> v.zoom("input"))
  .to((m) -> m.name)          # or just .to('name')
  .transform((result) -> "#{result.text}!")

View To View

# view1 
<div id="element">

# view2
<div id="my-input">
  <input type="text" />

view1 = new Sirius.View("#element")
view2 = new Sirius.View("#my-input")

Sirius.Materializer.build(view2, view1) # from view2 to view1 
  .field("input") # or field((view) -> view.zoom("input"))
  .to('p')        # the same ^
  .handle((view, result) ->             # you can define own handler
    view.render(result.text).swap()     # default  

Model to View

# model
class MyModel extends Sirius.BaseModel
  @attrs: ["name"]
      length: min: 3, max: 10

# view
<div id="view">
  <div class="model-name"></div>
  <span class="model-errors"></span>

model = new MyModel()
view = new Sirius.View("#view")

Sirius.Materializer.build(model, view)
  .field((m) -> m.name)
  .field((m) -> m.errors.name.length) # path to validator

more about binding

9. Logger

use as:

MainController = 
  logger: Sirius.Application.get_logger("MainController")
  action: () ->


run todo app

  1. install deps for todo app with rake todo:install

  2. compile: rake todo:compile

  3. run: rake todo:run

  4. open browser: http://localhost:4567/

More info


Use rake for run task. Before work run rake install for installing dependencies.

rake install - install all dependencies

rake doc - generate project documentation

rake build - compile coffeescript into javascript file

rake test - complile fixtures for tests, and run server

rake minify - use yuicompressor for minify files


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request