

Semantic SLAM

Author: Xuan Zhang, Supervisor: David Filliat

Research internship @ENSTA ParisTech

Semantic SLAM can generate a 3D voxel based semantic map using only a hand held RGB-D camera (e.g. Asus xtion) in real time. We use ORB_SLAM2 as SLAM backend, a CNN (PSPNet) to produce semantic prediction and fuse semantic information into a octomap. Note that our system can also be configured to generate rgb octomap without semantic information.

Semantic octomapRGB octomap
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Project Report & Demo:


This work cannot be done without many open source projets. Special thanks to


This project is released under a GPLv3 license.


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sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-openni2-launch

We use ORB_SLAM2 as SLAM backend. Please refer to the official repo for installation dependencies.



After installing dependencies for ORB_SLAM. You should first build the library.


Install dependencies

rosdep install semantic_slam


cd <your_catkin_work_space>

Run with camera

Launch rgbd camera

roslaunch semantic_slam camera.launch

Run ORB_SLAM2 node

roslaunch semantic_slam slam.launch

When the slam system has finished initialization, try to move the camera and check if the camera trajectory in the viewer is reasonable, reset SLAM if not.

Run semantic_mapping

You can now run the semantic_cloud node and the octomap_generator node. You will have to provide trained models, see links below.

roslaunch semantic_slam semantic_mapping.launch

This will also launch rviz for visualization.

You can then move around the camera and construct semantic map. Make sure SLAM is not losing itself.

If you are constructing a semantic map, you can toggle the display color between semantic color and rgb color by running

rosservice call toggle_use_semantic_color

Run with ros bag

If you want to test semantic mapping without a camera, you can also run a rosbag.

Download rosbag with camera position (tracked by SLAM)


Run semantic_mapping

roslaunch semantic_slam semantic mapping.launch

Play ROS bag

rosbag play demo.bag

Trained models

Run time

Evaluation is done on a computer with 6 Xeon 1.7 GHz CPU and one GeForce GTX Titan Z GPU. Input image size is 640×480 recorded by a camera Asus Xtion Pro.

When our system works together, ORB-SLAM works at about 15 Hz (the setting is 30 Hz). Point cloud generation alone can run at 30 Hz. Semantic segmentation runs at about 2 to 3 Hz. Octomap insertion and visualization works at about 1 Hz. Please refer to section 3.6.2 of the project report for more analysis of run times.


To cite this project in your research:

      author = {Xuan, Zhang and David, Filliat},
      title = {Real-time voxel based 3D semantic mapping with a hand held RGB-D camera},
      year = {2018},
      publisher = {GitHub},
      journal = {GitHub repository},
      howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/floatlazer/semantic_slam}},


You can change parameters for launch. Parameters are in ./semantic_slam/params folder.

Note that you can set octomap/tree_type and semantic_cloud/point_type to 0 to generate a map with rgb color without doing semantic segmantation.

Parameters for octomap_generator node (octomap_generator.yaml)

namespace octomap

Parameters for semantic_cloud node (semantic_cloud.yaml)

namespace camera

namespace semantic_pcl