

ebuku - Interface to the buku Web bookmark manager

Author: Alexis flexibeast@gmail.com, Erik Sjöstrand sjostrand.erik@gmail.com, Junji Zhi [https://github.com/junjizhi], Hilton Chain hako@ultrarare.space<br> Version: 0<br>

Ebuku provides a basic interface to the buku Web bookmark manager.

Image of the EBuku UI<br>

Table of Contents


Install Ebuku from MELPA, or put the ebuku folder in your load-path and do a (load "ebuku").

Windows users should ensure that the LC_ environment variables, and the LC_ALL environment variable in particular, are set correctly for their locale (e.g. zh_CN.UTF-8). The value of an environment variable can be determined via the getenv command (e.g. M-x getenv RET LC_ALL RET).


Create an Ebuku buffer with <kbd>M-x ebuku</kbd>.

In the *Ebuku* buffer, the following bindings are available:

Bindings for Evil are available via the evil-collection package, in evil-collection-ebuku.el.

The index of a bookmark can be displayed in the echo area by moving the screen pointer over the leading -- text for the bookmark.


Ebuku provides two cache variables for use by completion frameworks (e.g. Ivy or Helm): ebuku-bookmarks and ebuku-tags, which can be populated via the ebuku-update-bookmarks-cache and ebuku-update-tags-cache functions, respectively.


The ebuku customize-group includes variables for:


<a name="issues"></a>

Issues / bugs

If you discover an issue or bug in Ebuku not already noted:

please create a new issue with as much detail as possible, including:


GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

Converted from ebuku.el by el2markdown.