

Jupyter Scatter Tutorial

<p float="center"> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyC5ixtQG-Q"> <img width="auto" height="320px" src="https://github.com/flekschas/jupyter-scatter-tutorial/blob/2a125926ed49fad4f14888b43f95979b0d92ce96/teaser.gif" alt="SciPy 2023 Talk" > </a> </p>

:wave: Welcome! Here you will find the notebooks for the Jupyter Scatter tutorial, first presented at SciPy 2023. These notebooks offer an in-depth guide to interactive scatter plot visualizations using jupyter-scatter. Specifically, the tutorial covers

  1. How to get started with Jupyter Scatter and visualize medium to large-scale datasets as interactive scatter plots.
  2. How to compose and link/synchronize multiple scatter plots
  3. How to integrate Jupyter Scatter with other widgets to build bespoke interfaces for:
    1. Exploring LLM-based sentence embeddings
    2. Comparing multiple embedding method of the Fashion MNIST dataset
    3. Browsing genomic data with HiGlass and loci embeddings
    4. Comparing a pair of single-cell embeddings by their label abundance differences
  4. How to use the tooltip feature, introduced in v0.15.0 (Added after the SciPy 2023):
    1. Tooltip with text previews for the LLM-based sentence embeddings
    2. Tooltip with image previews for the Fashion MNIST embedding
    3. Tooltip for a single-cell embededding
    4. Tooltip with audio previews for Google's Magenta Nsynth dataset
  5. How to add features to Jupyter Scatter composition with other Jupyter Widgets (Added after the SciPy 2023):
    1. Search


You can find my SciPy '23 talk on YouTube and the accompanying slides at Speaker Deck.

Run the Tutorial


If you have a Google/Gmail account, you can run this tutorial from your browser using Colab: Open In Colab.

[!IMPORTANT] You need to manually install Jupyter Scatter when running the notebooks in Google Colab via !pip install jupyter-scatter. Make sure to not install jscatter as that is a different package.


To run the notebook locally we recommend setting up a custom environment using hatch as follows:

hatch shell

Finally, you can now run the notebooks with:
