

Flecs Polyglot

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ - This repository is under construction.


A universal scripting API for flecs on all languages that compile to WebAssembly. This is achieved through WebAssembly module linking (on the web through Emscripten, on native through Wasmtime), or native dynamic linking for a zero runtime option.

flecs is a blazing-fast, cache-friendly, portable, entity component system written in C that supports relationships, hierarchies, and more!


Provide one universal set of scripting bindings using powerful technologies such as WebAssembly with minimal overhead during interop with the host program. Fast memory mapped access to C struct data is used instead of reflection.

Usage (WIP)

Implementation / Project Scaffolding CLI can be found in the Toxoid Engine repository: https://github.com/toxoidengine/toxoid

Supported Platforms

Supported Languages