


A simple site generator with template support, written in somewhat idiomatic Rust, with support for extensions in whatever language you prefer.

Used in my site

A little demo is available in the examples/ folder of this repo, which shows off Pillar's features (and honestly is mostly a place for me to test and debug).


Pillar has only a few commands. With no arguments, it will give you the help menu. That help menu will also be printed with the arguments --help or -h. Run ./pillar build to generate your site, and ./pillar build --debug to get the debug parser, where it will show you what it's doing step-by-step (note that this is much slower, so should be used only if you want to see how the parser works). Use --all to build every page, disregarding file modification time. That's all of the command arguments, and anything else will just give you the help menu.


Pillar expects a .pillar.toml file to be in the same directory as your pillar executable, which controls the customization. It's currently quite a small file, the default being:

template_path = "templates/"
granite_path = "pages/"
html_path = "docs/"
plugin_path = "plugins/"
music_path = "/home/user/Music/"
latest_length = 15

Pillar takes all .gn files in the granite_path directory and parses them into html, templating them with the templates in the template_path directory, and outputting the html to the html_path directory. Before the html is saved to the html directory, each page is passed through all necessary scripts in the plugin_path directory.

The latest_length parameter not used necessary for pillar, but is used to control the length of the list of latest pages generated by the latest script (see the extensions section for more information on how extensions are currently handled).


Pillar uses the Granite (.gn) markup format, which is more similar HTML than it is to markdown. It also isn't too picky about whitespace. Granite maps 1:1 with html, so the conversion process is relatively simple, and is done in a single pass (sorta. this is a point for further optimization). The syntax gets rid of close tags in favor of close square brackets, like so:

html: <p> This is a paragraph </p>

granite: [p|This is a paragraph]

The only other difference in syntax is the use of commas and semicolons in the elements' attribute sections. This is a small change, and the normal html syntax can also be used.

html: <a href="link.com">A link</a>

granite: [a, href: "link.com"|A link]

As you can see, the Granite syntax is very similar to html, but is in my mind a bit easier to read and write, mostly due to the lack of close tags and its small syntax footprint. The fact that it maps to html also means that any html element can be used; there are none of the restrictions that markdown has. For more examples, look to the example folder in this repository. If you like, just clone that directory to your system, add the pillar executable, and run it. This will give you a small, but working, example of a Pillar setup.



title: Example page
template: fancy_template

In this example, the template used will be the fancy_template.html file in your template directory.


Pillar supports extensions in the form of executable scripts in your defined plugins folder. These work by receiving each parsed page, in html, through stdin. The script should then return a modified form of the page in its stdout. There are several extensions in the example folder, which replace the following tags:

Syntax Highlighting

If you use the micro text editor, I wrote a syntax highlighting file which works nicely with Granite files which you can find in the examples folder (or on my website here: https://mineralexistence.com/files/micro/micro-granite.yaml). Just put it into your .config/micro/syntax/ directory, and you should get decent syntax highlighting.