

Transparent JSON-RPC proxy and load balancer

Goreport status Test status Docker hub

With priority queues, retries, good logging and metrics, and even SGX/SEV attestation support.


  1. low-prio
  2. high-prio
  3. fast-track


Further notes:

<!-- - The load balancer exposes a HTTP API for managing nodes, and uses Redis as a source of truth for configured nodes (i.e. the cli node config only sets the initial state in redis, but a restart won't override the node setup created through the HTTP API. -->

Application structure and request flow

App structure and request flow

Example logs

At the end of a request:

    "level": "info",
    "ts": 1685122704.4079978,
    "caller": "server/webserver.go:154",
    "msg": "Request completed",
    "service": "validation-queue",
    "durationMs": 144,
    "requestIsHighPrio": true,
    "requestIsFastTrack": false,
    "payloadSize": 209394,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "nodeURI": "http://validation-1.internal:8545",
    "requestTries": 1,
    "queueItems": 11,
    "queueItemsFastTrack": 0,
    "queueItemsHighPrio": 7,
    "queueItemsLowPrio": 4

Full request cycle:

// request getting added to the queue
{"level":"info","ts":1685126514.8569882,"caller":"server/webserver.go:112","msg":"Request added to queue. prioQueue size:","service":"validation-queue","requestIsHighPrio":true,"requestIsFastTrack":true,"fastTrack":1,"highPrio":0,"lowPrio":0}

// completed request
{"level":"info","ts":1685126514.9174724,"caller":"server/webserver.go:154","msg":"Request completed","service":"validation-queue","durationMs":78,"requestIsHighPrio":true,"requestIsFastTrack":true,"payloadSize":121291,"statusCode":200,"nodeURI":"http://validation-2.internal:8545","requestTries":1,"queueItems":0,"queueItemsFastTrack":0,"queueItemsHighPrio":0,"queueItemsLowPrio":0}

// http server logs
{"level":"info","ts":1685126514.9175296,"caller":"server/http_logger.go:54","msg":"http: POST /sim 200","service":"validation-queue","status":200,"method":"POST","path":"/sim","duration":0.078877451}

Getting started

Docker images are available at https://hub.docker.com/r/flashbots/prio-load-balancer

Run the program

# Run with a mock execution backend and debug output
go run . -mock-node           # text logging
go run . -mock-node -log-prod # json logging

# low-prio queue request
curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_callBundle","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:8080

# high-prio queue request
curl -H 'X-High-Priority: true' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_callBundle","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:8080

# fast-track queue request
curl -H 'X-Fast-Track: true' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_callBundle","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:8080

# adding a custom request ID
curl -H 'X-Request-ID: yourLogID' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_callBundle","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:8080

# Get execution nodes
curl localhost:8080/nodes

# Add a execution node
curl -d '{"uri":"http://foo"}' localhost:8080/nodes

# Add a execution node with custom number of workers
curl -d '{"uri":"http://foo?_workers=8"}' localhost:8080/nodes

# Remove a execution node
curl -X DELETE -d '{"uri":"http://foo"}' localhost:8080/nodes
curl -X DELETE -d '{"uri":"http://localhost:8095"}' localhost:8080/nodes

Note: there's a bunch of constants that can be configured with env vars in server/consts.go.

Node selection

Test, lint, build

# lint & staticcheck (staticcheck.io)
make lint

# run tests
make test

# test coverage
make cover
make cover-html

# build
make build

Node TEE attestation via TLS

# build prio-load-balancer with SGX and SEV support
make build-tee

IMPORTANT: SGX and SEV attestation support requires additional dependencies. See Dockerfile.tee for details.

SEV Node aTLS attestation

# base64 encode the VM measurements

MEASUREMENTS=$(cat << EOF | gzip | basenc --base64url -w0
  "1": {
    "expected": "3d458cfe55cc03ea1f443f1562beec8df51c75e14a9fcf9a7234a13f198e7969",
    "warnOnly": true
  "2": {
    "expected": "3d458cfe55cc03ea1f443f1562beec8df51c75e14a9fcf9a7234a13f198e7969",
    "warnOnly": true
  "3": {
    "expected": "3d458cfe55cc03ea1f443f1562beec8df51c75e14a9fcf9a7234a13f198e7969",
    "warnOnly": true
  "4": {
    "expected": "82736cdd6b4f3c718bf969b545eaaa6eb3f1e6d229ad9712e6a4ddf431418ab7",
    "warnOnly": false
  "5": {
    "expected": "54c04bcd7cf8adadafee915bf325f92d958050c14e086c1e180258113d376c1a",
    "warnOnly": true
  "6": {
    "expected": "9319868ef4dad6a79117f14b9ac1870ccf5f9d178b39a3fd84e6230fa93a7993",
    "warnOnly": true
  "7": {
    "expected": "32fe42b385b47cb22c906b8a7e4f134e9f2270818f90e94072d1101ef72f1c00",
    "warnOnly": true
  "8": {
    "expected": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "warnOnly": false
  "9": {
    "expected": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "warnOnly": false
  "11": {
    "expected": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "warnOnly": false
  "12": {
    "expected": "f1a142c53586e7e2223ec74e5f4d1a4942956b1fd9ac78fafcdf85117aa345da",
    "warnOnly": false
  "13": {
    "expected": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "warnOnly": false
  "14": {
    "expected": "e3991b7ddd47be7e92726a832d6874c5349b52b789fa0db8b558c69fea29574e",
    "warnOnly": true
  "15": {
    "expected": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "warnOnly": false
# Add the SEV execution node
curl -d "{\"uri\":\"https://SEV_${MEASUREMENTS}@foo\"}" localhost:8080/nodes

Execution nodes running within SEV and providing attestation consumables via constellations aTLS implementation are supported. The aTLS certificate of the execution node is automatically attested with the VM measurements which are submitted as part of the user part of the node URI (SEV_<gzipped, base64url encoded measurements>). You can read more about the attestation measurements in the constellation docs

SGX Node RA-TLS attestation

# Add an SGX execution node
curl -d '{"uri":"https://SGX_<MRENCLAVE>@foo"}' localhost:8080/nodes

Execution nodes running within SGX and providing attestation consumables via RA-TLS are supported. The RA-TLS certificate of the execution node is automatically attested with the MRENCLAVE which is submitted as part of the user part of node URI (SGX_<MRENCLAVE>).

Queue Benchmarks

goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/flashbots/prio-load-balancer/server
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz

1 worker, 10k tasks:
BenchmarkPrioQueue-12    	    	    2338	    492219 ns/op	  298109 B/op	      34 allocs/op

5 workers, 10k tasks:
BenchmarkPrioQueueMultiReader-12    	    2690	    596315 ns/op	  292507 B/op	      50 allocs/op

5 workers, 100k tasks:
BenchmarkPrioQueueMultiReader-12    	     261	   4637403 ns/op	 4245243 B/op	      66 allocs/op





The code in this project is free software under the MIT License.