


Need a bot? Or looking for MEV? You've come to the right place partner 🤠

MEV opportunities

ProtocolCategoryReoccurring or one-offDescriptionSpec
TemplateTemplateTemplateAn example MEV job spec that can be used by protocol teamsLink
SynthetixArbitrageReoccurringArbitrage between sLINK minted at parity and trading at premiumLink
Rari Capital's FuseLiquidationsReoccurringCompound-style liquidations on multiple small lending poolsLink
Aave 👻LiquidationsReoccurringLiquidate bad debt positions to earn liquidation bonusLink
Wild CreditStakingFeesReoccurringDistribute pending fees to xWILD stakersLink
Gro ProtocolLP poolReoccurringArbitrage between pool exchange rate & pegs to underlying stablesLink
Gro Protocol - newLP poolReoccurringArbitrage between pool exchange rate & pegs to underlying stables - new PWRD poolLink
DPI ArbitrageArbitrageReocurringArbitrage between the DPI index token and underlying tokensLink
Maker wstETH liquidationsLiquidationsReocurringLiquidate bad wstETH debt positions on Maker to earn liquidation bonusLink
Vesper VUSD ArbitrageArbitrageReocurringArbitrage between the VUSD and USDC/DAILink
LiquityLiquidationsReocurringLiquidate undercollateralized Troves to earn liquidation bonusLink

Want to list your protocol's opportunity?

Please fork this repo, fill out the template, and submit a PR adding your protocol to the above table.