

<h1 align="center"> MEV Inspect </h1>

Ethereum MEV Inspector in Rust </br> Further documentation on mev-inspect-rs available here



cargo build --release

Running the CLI

Usage: ./target/release/mev-inspect [OPTIONS]

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help
  -r, --reset              clear and re-build the database
  -o, --overwrite          do not skip blocks which already exist
  -u, --url URL            The tracing / archival node's URL (default: http://localhost:8545)
  -c, --cache CACHE        Path to where traces will be cached
  -d, --db-cfg DB-CFG      Database config
  -D, --db-table DB-TABLE  the table of the database (default: mev_inspections)

Available commands:
  tx      inspect a transaction
  blocks  inspect a range of blocks

Running the tests

Tests require postgres installed.

cargo test