

Builder Playground

The builder playground is a tool to deploy an end-to-end environment to locally test an Ethereum L1 builder. It deploys:


Clone the repository and run the following command:

$ go run main.go

The playground performs the following steps:

  1. It attempts to download the lighthouse and reth binaries from the GitHub releases page if they are not found locally.
  2. It generates the genesis artifacts for the chain.
    • 100 validators with 32 ETH each.
    • 10 prefunded accounts with 100 ETH each, generated with the mnemonic test test test test test test test test test test test junk.
    • It enables the Deneb fork at startup.
  3. It deploys the chain services and the relay.
    • Reth node.
    • Lighthouse beacon node.
    • Lighthouse validator client.
    • Mev-boost-relay.

To stop the playground, press Ctrl+C.


Unless the --continue flag is set, the playground will delete the output directory and start a new chain from scratch on every run.