


ReactiveMarrow adds some helpers and extensions for Reactive Extensions

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This is a portable class library and supports every platform that Rx supports.

IObservable Extensions


SampleAndCombineLatest, as its name says, is a mix of Sample and CombineLatest.

It takes the latest value of the left observable and combines it with the latest value of the right observable whenever the right sequence produces an element.


Matches equal pairs in two observable sequences, based on a key selector.


Limits the rate at which items are pushed based on a TimeSpan.

This method differs from Sample, as items aren't dropped and if items come slower than the maximum rate, they are processed imemdiately, instead of waiting on the next "tick".

A timespan of 2 seconds would mean the items are processed at a maximum rate of one item every two seconds.


A selector over an IObservable that converts it to IObservable<Unit>


A operation processing queue that can limit the number of operations per given timespan.

This differs from the LimitRate method, as RateLimitedOperationQueue is a class and can be used in a non-functional way.


This class provides a read-write property through the Value property and is at the same time a IObservable backed by a BehaviourSubject