

<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fkie-cad/friTap/main/assets/logo.png" alt="friTap logo" width="50%" height="50%"/> </p>


version PyPI version

The goal of this project is to help researchers to analyze traffic encapsulated in SSL or TLS. For details have a view into the OSDFCon webinar slides or in this blog post.

This project was inspired by SSL_Logger and currently supports all major operating systems (Linux, Windows, Android). More platforms and libraries will be added in future releases.


Installation is simply a matter of pip3 install fritap. This will give you the friTap command. You can update an existing friTap installation with pip3 install --upgrade friTap.

Alternatively just clone the repository and run the friTap.py file or download the friTap standlone version from the release page.


On Linux/Windows/MacOS we can easily attach to a process by entering its name or its PID:

$ sudo fritap --pcap mycapture.pcap thunderbird

For mobile applications we just have to add the -m parameter to indicate that we are now attaching (or spawning) an Android or iOS app:

$ fritap -m --pcap mycapture.pcap com.example.app

Further ensure that the frida-server is running on the Android/iOS device.

Remember when working with the pip installation you have to invoke the friTap command with sudo a little bit different. Either as module:

$ sudo -E python3 -m friTap.friTap --pcap mycapture.pcap thunderbird

or directly invoking the script:

$ which friTap

$ sudo -E /home/daniel/.local/bin/friTap

More examples on using friTap can be found in the USAGE.md. A detailed introduction using friTap on Android is under EXAMPLE.md as well.


The absence of traffic or incomplete traffic capture in the resulting pcap file (-p <your.pcap>) may stem from various causes. Before submitting a new issue, consider attempting the following solutions:

Default Socket Information

There might be instances where friTap fails to retrieve socket information. In such scenarios, running friTap with default socket information (--enable_default_fd) could resolve the issue. This approach utilizes default socket information ( to for all traffic when the file descriptor (FD) cannot be used to obtain socket details:

fritap -m --enable_default_fd -p plaintext.pcap com.example.app

Handling Subprocess Traffic

Traffic originating from a subprocess could be another contributing factor. To capture this traffic, friTap can leverage Frida's spawn gating feature, which intercepts newly spawned processes using the --enable_spawn_gating parameter:

fritap -m -p log.pcap --enable_spawn_gating com.example.app

Library Support exist only for Key Extraction

In cases where the target library solely supports key extraction (cf. the table below), you can utilize the -k <key.log> parameter alongside full packet capture:

fritap -m -p log.pcap --full_capture -k keys.log com.example.app

Seeking Further Assistance

If these approaches do not address your issue, please create a detailed issue report to aid in troubleshooting. To facilitate a more effective diagnosis, include the following information in your report:

fritap -do -v com.example.app

Supported SSL/TLS implementations and corresponding logging capabilities

| Library                   | Linux         | Windows       | MacOSX   | Android  | iOS          |
| OpenSSL                   |     Full      | R/W-Hook only |  TBI     |   Full   | TBI          |
| BoringSSL                 |     Full      | R/W-Hook only |  KeyEo   |   Full   | KeyEo        |
| NSS                       |     Full      | R/W-Hook only |  TBI     |   TBA    | TBI          |
| GnuTLS                    | R/W-Hook only | R/W-Hook only |  TBI     |   Full   | TBI          |
| WolfSSL                   | R/W-Hook only | R/W-Hook only |  TBI     |   Full   | TBI          |
| MbedTLS                   | R/W-Hook only | R/W-Hook only |  TBI     |   Full   | TBI          |
| Bouncycastle/Spongycastle |     TBA       |    TBA        |  TBA     |   Full   | TBA          |
| Conscrypt                 |     TBA       |    TBA        |  TBA     |   Full   | TBA          |

R/W-Hook only = Logging data sent and received by process<br> KeyEo = Only the keying material can be extracted<br> Full = Logging data send and received by process + Logging keys used for secure connection<br> TBA = To be answered<br> TBI = To be implemented<br> LibNO = This library is not supported for this plattform<br>

We verified the Windows implementations only for Windows 10


Planned features


Contributions are always welcome. Just fork it and open a pull request! More details can be found in the CONTRIBUTION.md.


See the wiki for release notes.


If you have any suggestions, or bug reports, please create an issue in the Issue Tracker.

In case you have any questions or other problems, feel free to send an email to:
