

What's new

Meaning of the output columns

Calculation of critical density

By default equation (9) of Shirley2015 is used.

A simpler definition that is only valid for two-level system is also used (labeled as "n_crit_old" in the output). This is described in the text below equation (5) of Shirley2015.

This code solves essentially the same problem as RADEX written by Van der Tak, except that we take a different approach to solve the statistical equilibrium problem. Given an initial distribution, what we do is to evolve the system towards equilibrium using an ODE solver.


To use this code, you first need to compile it using the makefile (the executable is named my_radex) by running make in the command line, then edit the configuration file (configure.dat) to meet your needs. After this execute the command

./my_radex configure.dat

and you will get the results.

A python wrapper is included.

For its usage, see this Jupyter notebook. The wrapper is preliminary; not all the functionalities in the Fortran source code are included in the wrapper (though usually they are not needed).

We use the LAMDA format for the input energy levels and transition rates.

This code has not been thoroughly tested, and it is possible that some input files won't load properly. Usually one can work around the problem by changing the input file to the format of a file that is known to work.