


Rack app that exposes rollout gem API via RESTful endpoints

This Rack app expose RESTfull endpoints that allows you to perform CRUD operation on rollout gem.

This service works great with Rollout-Dashboard - a beautiful user interface for rollout gem)

How to use this app?

  1. Pass a redis instance to the app
redis = Redis.new
RolloutService::Config::configure do |config|
  config.redis = redis
  1. Map an a route to the app:
map '/api/v1' do
  run RolloutService::Service

I want to run this service a stand alone service, how do I do that?

  1. Include the gem 'rack-app' & 'rollout_service' in your project.
  2. create a file named config.ru
# Add here system configuration and initializations  

# Create a redis instance 
redis = Redis.new

# Pass the instance to rollout service
RolloutService::Config::configure do |config|
  config.redis = redis

# Map a route to the app
map '/api/v1' do
  run RolloutService::Service

End-Points Documentation:

DescriptionEND POINT
Get all featuresGET /api/v1/features
Get specific feature by nameGET /api/v1/features/:feature_name
Get specific feature by nameGET /api/v1/features/:feature_name
Check if feature is activeGET /api/v1/features/:feature_name/:user_id/active
Create a new featurePOST /api/v1/features/:feature_name
Partially update existing featurePATCH /api/v1/features/:feature_name
Delete a featureDELETE /api/v1/features/:feature_name