

Making better mistakes

This repository contains the code for the paper:

Making Better Mistakes: Leveraging Class Hierarchies with Deep Networks
Luca Bertinetto*, Romain Mueller*, Konstantinos Tertikas, Sina Samangooei, Nicholas A. Lord*.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020


If you find our work useful/interesting, please consider citing it as:

author = {Bertinetto, Luca and Mueller, Romain and Tertikas, Konstantinos and Samangooei, Sina and Lord, Nicholas A.},
title = {Making Better Mistakes: Leveraging Class Hierarchies With Deep Networks},
booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2020}
<div align="center"> <img src="assets/figures_history.png"/> </div>

Data preparation


The training/testing environment can be initialized using conda as:

conda env update -n better-mistakes -f environment.yml
source activate better-mistakes
pip install -e .

Alternatively, we provide a Dockerfile that can be built using:

docker build -t better-mistakes .


The hierarchies are defined in ./data for the datasets tieredImageNet-H and iNaturalist19. ImageNet-H is also avaialble for future convenience. For each of these datasets we provide the following files:

Running the code

The experiments of the papers are contained in the experiments/ directory. Inside of your environment (or docker) run for example:

cd experiments
bash crossentropy_inaturalist19.sh

The entry points for the code are all inside of scripts/:


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