


⚠️ The dbt-presto plugin is archived. Read the full announcement


For more information on using Presto with dbt, consult the dbt documentation:


This plugin can be installed via pip:

$ pip install dbt-presto

Configuring your profile

A dbt profile can be configured to run against Presto using the following configuration:

methodThe Presto authentication method to useOptional (default is none)none or kerberos
userUsername for authenticationRequireddrew
passwordPassword for authenticationOptional (required if method is ldap or kerberos)none or abc123
http_headersHTTP Headers to send alongside requests to Presto, specified as a yaml dictionary of (header, value) pairs.OptionalX-Presto-Routing-Group: my-cluster
http_schemeThe HTTP scheme to use for requests to PrestoOptional (default is http, or https for method: kerberos and method: ldap)https or http
databaseSpecify the database to build models intoRequiredanalytics
schemaSpecify the schema to build models into. Note: it is not recommended to use upper or mixed case schema namesRequireddbt_drew
hostThe hostname to connect toRequired127.0.0.1
portThe port to connect to the host onRequired8080
threadsHow many threads dbt should useOptional (default is 1)8

Example profiles.yml entry:

  target: dev
      type: presto
      user: drew
      port: 8080
      database: analytics
      schema: dbt_drew
      threads: 8

Usage Notes

Supported Functionality

Due to the nature of Presto, not all core dbt functionality is supported. The following features of dbt are not implemented on Presto:

Also, note that upper or mixed case schema names will cause catalog queries to fail. Please only use lower case schema names with this adapter.

If you are interested in helping to add support for this functionality in dbt on Presto, please open an issue!

Required configuration

dbt fundamentally works by dropping and creating tables and views in databases. As such, the following Presto configs must be set for dbt to work properly on Presto:

hive.metastore-refresh-interval = 5s

Use table properties to configure connector specifics

Trino/Presto connectors use table properties to configure connector specifics.

Check the Presto/Trino connector documentation for more information.

      "format": "'PARQUET'",
      "partitioning": "ARRAY['bucket(id, 2)']",

Reporting bugs and contributing code

Running tests

Build dbt container locally:


Run a Presto server locally:


If you see errors while about "inconsistent state" while bringing up presto, you may need to drop and re-create the public schema in the hive metastore:

# Example error

Initialization script hive-schema-2.3.0.postgres.sql
Error: ERROR: relation "BUCKETING_COLS" already exists (state=42P07,code=0)
org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaException: Schema initialization FAILED! Metastore state would be inconsistent !!
Underlying cause: java.io.IOException : Schema script failed, errorcode 2
Use --verbose for detailed stacktrace.
*** schemaTool failed ***

Solution: Drop (or rename) the public schema to allow the init script to recreate the metastore from scratch. Only run this against a test Presto deployment. Do not run this in production!

-- run this against the hive metastore (port forwarded to 10005 by default)

drop schema public cascade;
create schema public;

You probably should be slightly less reckless than this.

Run tests against Presto:


Run the locally-built docker image (from docker/dbt/build.sh):

export DBT_PROJECT_DIR=$HOME/... # wherever the dbt project you want to run is
docker run -it --mount "type=bind,source=$HOME/.dbt/,target=/home/dbt_user/.dbt" --mount="type=bind,source=$DBT_PROJECT_DIR,target=/usr/app" --network dbt-net dbt-presto /bin/bash

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the dbt project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the PyPA Code of Conduct.