


For a sampled version of the report (webapp) see FirmAI Report.

This report endeavours to provide ratings of four corporate dimensions: employees, customers, shareholders and management, as benchmarked against competitors. It also shows the change in ratings over time. The competitors are automatically identified from the data using statistical distance metrics.

This report consists of Programmatic Competitor Analysis, NLP Sentiment Analysis, NLP Summarisation, ML Time Series and Cross-Section Prediction (Valuation, Closures, Geographic Opportunity), Employee Growth and Qualifications Measures, Location Ratings, Rating Growth, Social Media Analytics, Compensation Satisfaction Analysis, Interview Analysis, Product Analysis and Financial PCA. It is my hope that this report, analysis, generated data and scraping scripts (in functionality folder), will benefit smaller firms who do not necessarily have access to this technology stack.


The report is built out of a Dash example. It is fully automated and updates on a monthly basis. It allows companies to study multiple competitors and company locations without strenuous user input. It is the first interactive report of its kind. It is in PDF style, making it easily digestible and also easy to print for meetings.

All information is extracted from the public domain using modern programming tools. This report uses state of the art machine learning and natural language processing techniques for deep sentiment analysis and prediction tasks. The report looks analysis a company’s from four dimensions, being the employees, customers, shareholders (owners) and management. Information is gathered from numerous online sources, the majority of which do not sit behind pay-walls. This report serves the following functions.



The report will grow dynamically over time and eventually become more prescriptive in nature.

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