

<p align="center"> <a href="https://www.netdata.cloud#gh-light-mode-only"> <img src="https://www.netdata.cloud/img/readme-images/netdata_readme_logo_light.png" alt="Netdata" width="300"/> </a> <a href="https://www.netdata.cloud#gh-dark-mode-only"> <img src="https://www.netdata.cloud/img/readme-images/netdata_readme_logo_dark.png" alt="Netdata" width="300"/> </a> </p> <h3 align="center">Monitor your servers, containers, and applications,<br/>in high-resolution and in real-time.</h3> <br /> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/stars/netdata/netdata?style=social" alt="GitHub Stars"></a> <br /> <a href="https://app.netdata.cloud/spaces/netdata-demo?utm_campaign=github_readme_demo_badge"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Live%20Demo-green" alt="Live Demo"></a> <a href="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/releases/latest"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/release/netdata/netdata.svg" alt="Latest release"></a> <a href="https://github.com/netdata/netdata-nightlies/releases/latest"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/release/netdata/netdata-nightlies.svg" alt="Latest nightly build"></a> <br/> <a href="https://community.netdata.cloud"><img alt="Discourse topics" src="https://img.shields.io/discourse/topics?server=https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.netdata.cloud%2F&logo=discourse&label=discourse%20forum"></a> <a href="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/discussions"><img alt="GitHub Discussions" src="https://img.shields.io/github/discussions/netdata/netdata?logo=github&label=github%20discussions"></a> </p> <p align="center"><b>Visit the <a href="https://www.netdata.cloud">Project's Home Page</a></b></p> <hr class="solid">


Important :bulb:<br/> People get addicted to Netdata. Once you use it on your systems, there's no going back!<br/>

Netdata is a high-performance, cloud-native, and on-premises observability platform designed to monitor metrics and logs with unparalleled efficiency. It delivers a simpler, faster, and significantly easier approach to real-time, low-latency monitoring for systems, containers, and applications. Netdata requires zero-configuration to get started, offering a powerful and comprehensive monitoring experience, out of the box.

Netdata is also known for its cost-efficient, distributed design. Unlike traditional monitoring solutions that centralize data, Netdata distributes the code. Instead of funneling all data into a few central databases, Netdata processes data at the edge, keeping it close to the source. The smart open-source Netdata Agent acts as a distributed database, enabling the construction of complex observability pipelines with modular, Lego-like simplicity.

Netdata provides A.I. insights for all monitored data, training machine learning models directly at the edge. This allows for fully automated and unsupervised anomaly detection, and with its intuitive APIs and UIs, users can quickly perform root cause analysis and troubleshoot issues, identifying correlations and gaining deeper insights into their infrastructure.

The Netdata Ecosystem

Netdata is built on three core components:

  1. Netdata Agent (usually called just "Netdata"): This open-source component is the heart of the Netdata ecosystem, handling data collection, storage (embedded database), querying, machine learning, exporting, and alerting of observability data. All observability data and features a Netdata ecosystem offers, are managed by the Netdata Agent. It runs in physical and virtual servers, cloud environments, Kubernetes clusters, and edge/IoT devices and is carefully optimized to have zero impact on production systems and applications.

    <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Netdata%20Agent%20License-GPL%20v3%2B-blue.svg" alt="Netdata Agent License: GPL v3+"></a> <a href="https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/2231"><img src="https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/2231/badge" alt="CII Best Practices"></a> <a href="https://scan.coverity.com/projects/netdata-netdata?tab=overview"><img alt="Coverity Scan" src="https://img.shields.io/coverity/scan/netdata"></a>

  2. Netdata Cloud: Enhancing the Netdata Agent, Netdata Cloud offers enterprise features such as user management, role-based access control, horizontal scalability, alert and notification management, access from anywhere, and more. Netdata Cloud does not centralize or store observability data.

    Netdata Cloud is a commercial product, available as an on-premises installation, or a SaaS solution, with a free community tier.

  3. Netdata UI: The user interface that powers all dashboards, data visualization, and configuration.

    While closed-source, it is free to use with both Netdata Agents and Netdata Cloud, via their public APIs. It is included in the binary packages offered by Netdata and its latest version is publicly available via a CDN.

    <a href="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/blob/master/src/web/gui/v2/LICENSE.md"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Netdata%20UI%20License%20-NCUL1-blue.svg" alt="Netdata UI License: NCUL1"></a>

Netdata scales effortlessly from a single server to thousands, even in complex, multi-cloud or hybrid environments, with the ability to retain data for years.

Key characteristics of the Netdata Agent

What can be monitored with the Netdata Agent

Netdata monitors all the following:

System Resources<small><br/>CPU, Memory and system shared resources</small>FullYesYesYes
Storage<small><br/>Disks, Mount points, Filesystems, RAID arrays</small>FullBasicBasicBasic
Network<small><br/>Network Interfaces, Protocols, Firewall, etc</small>FullBasicBasicBasic
Hardware & Sensors<small><br/>Fans, Temperatures, Controllers, GPUs, etc</small>FullSomeSomeSome
O/S Services<small><br/>Resources, Performance and Status</small>Yes<small><br/>systemd</small>--Basic
Processes<small><br/>Resources, Performance, OOM, and more</small>YesYesYesYes
Network Connections<small><br/>Live TCP and UDP sockets per PID</small>Yes---
Containers<small><br/>Docker/containerd, LXC/LXD, Kubernetes, etc</small>Yes---
VMs (from the host)<small><br/>KVM, qemu, libvirt, Proxmox, etc</small>Yes<small><br/>cgroups</small>--Yes<small><br/>Hyper-V</small>
Synthetic Checks<small><br/>Test APIs, TCP ports, Ping, Certificates, etc</small>YesYesYesYes
Packaged Applications<small><br/>nginx, apache, postgres, redis, mongodb,<br/>and hundreds more</small>YesYesYesYes
Cloud Provider Infrastructure<small><br/>AWS, GCP, Azure, and more</small>YesYesYesYes
Custom Applications<small><br/>OpenMetrics, StatsD and soon OpenTelemetry</small>YesYesYesYes

When the Netdata Agent runs on Linux, it monitors every kernel feature available, providing full coverage of all kernel technologies that can be monitored.

The Netdata Agent also provides full enterprise hardware coverage, monitoring all components that provide hardware error reporting, like PCI AER, RAM EDAC, IPMI, S.M.A.R.T., NVMe, Fans, Power, Voltages, and more.

<small> * The Netdata Agent runs on Linux, FreeBSD and macOS. For Windows, we currently rely on Windows Exporter (so a Netdata running on Linux, FreeBSD or macOS is required, next to the monitored Windows servers). However, a Windows version of the Netdata Agent is at its final state for release.</small>

:star: Netdata is the most energy-efficient monitoring tool :star:

<p align="center"> <a href="https://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSOC_2023.pdf#gh-dark-mode-only"> <img src="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/assets/139226121/7118757a-38fb-48d7-b12a-53e709a8e8c0" alt="Energy Efficiency" width="1000"/> </a> <a href="https://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/ICSOC_2023.pdf#gh-light-mode-only"> <img src="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/assets/139226121/4f64cbb6-05e4-48e3-b7c0-d1b79e37e219" alt="Energy efficiency" width="1000"/> </a> </p>

Dec 11, 2023: University of Amsterdam published a study related to the impact of monitoring tools for Docker based systems, aiming to answer 2 questions:

  1. The impact of monitoring on the energy efficiency of Docker-based systems
  2. The impact of monitoring on Docker-based systems?

The study did not normalize the results based on the number of metrics collected. Given that Netdata usually collects significantly more metrics than the other tools, Netdata managed to outperform the other tools, while ingesting a much higher number of metrics. Read the full study here.

Netdata vs Prometheus

<p align="center"> <a href="https://blog.netdata.cloud/netdata-vs-prometheus-performance-analysis#gh-light-mode-only"> <img src="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/assets/139226121/6c21ae39-8656-45c3-bc85-4b012679d2bb" alt="Netdata" width="1000"/> </a> <a href="https://blog.netdata.cloud/netdata-vs-prometheus-performance-analysis#gh-dark-mode-only"> <img src="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/assets/139226121/f2dbde46-d3dd-4807-bd34-966da4d0ec22" alt="Netdata" width="1000"/> </a> </p>

On the same workload, Netdata uses 35% less CPU, 49% less RAM, 12% less bandwidth, 98% less disk I/O, and is 75% more disk space efficient on high resolution metrics storage, while providing more than a year of overall retention on the same disk footprint Prometheus offers 7 days of retention. Read the full analysis in our blog.


<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cncf/artwork/master/other/cncf/horizontal/white/cncf-white.svg#gh-dark-mode-only" alt="CNCF" width="300"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cncf/artwork/master/other/cncf/horizontal/black/cncf-black.svg#gh-light-mode-only" alt="CNCF" width="300"> <br /> Netdata actively supports and is a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)<br /> &nbsp;<br/> ...and due to your love :heart:, it is one of the most :star:'d projects in the <a href="https://landscape.cncf.io/?item=observability-and-analysis--observability--netdata">CNCF landscape</a>! </p> &nbsp;<br/> <hr class="solid"> <p align="center"> <b>Below is an animated image, but you can see Netdata live!</b><br/> <a href="https://frankfurt.netdata.rocks"><b>FRANKFURT</b></a> | <a href="https://newyork.netdata.rocks"><b>NEWYORK</b></a> | <a href="https://atlanta.netdata.rocks"><b>ATLANTA</b></a> | <a href="https://sanfrancisco.netdata.rocks"><b>SANFRANCISCO</b></a> | <a href="https://toronto.netdata.rocks"><b>TORONTO</b></a> | <a href="https://singapore.netdata.rocks"><b>SINGAPORE</b></a> | <a href="https://bangalore.netdata.rocks"><b>BANGALORE</b></a> <br/> <i>They are clustered Netdata Agent Parents. They all have the same data. <b>Select the one closer to you.</b></i> <br/> <i>All these run with the default configuration. We only clustered them to have multi-node dashboards.</i> <br/><small>Note: These demos include the Netdata UI,<br/>which while being closed-source, is free to use with Netdata Agents and Netdata Cloud.</small> </p>

Netdata Agent

<hr class="solid">

Getting Started

<p align="center"> <a href="https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry"><img src="https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v3/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_entries&dimensions=persons&label=user%20base&units=M&value_color=blue&precision=2&divide=1000000&options=unaligned&tier=1&v44" alt="User base"></a> <a href="https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry"><img src="https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v3/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_entries&dimensions=machines&label=servers%20monitored&units=M&divide=1000000&value_color=orange&precision=2&options=unaligned&tier=1&v44" alt="Servers monitored"></a> <a href="https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry"><img src="https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v3/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_sessions&label=sessions%20served&units=M&value_color=yellowgreen&precision=2&divide=1000000&options=unaligned&tier=1&v44" alt="Sessions served"></a> <a href="https://hub.docker.com/r/netdata/netdata"><img src="https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v3/badge.svg?chart=dockerhub.pulls_sum&divide=1000000&precision=1&units=M&label=docker+hub+pulls&options=unaligned&tier=1&v44" alt="Docker Hub pulls"></a> <br /> <a href="https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry"><img src="https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v3/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_entries&dimensions=persons&after=-86400&options=unaligned&group=incremental-sum&label=new%20users%20today&units=null&value_color=blue&precision=0&options=unaligned&tier=1&v44" alt="New users today"></a> <a href="https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry"><img src="https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v3/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_entries&dimensions=machines&group=incremental-sum&after=-86400&options=unaligned&label=servers%20added%20today&units=null&value_color=orange&precision=0&tier=1&v44" alt="New machines today"></a> <a href="https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry"><img src="https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v3/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_sessions&after=-86400&group=incremental-sum&options=unaligned&label=sessions%20served%20today&units=null&value_color=yellowgreen&precision=0&tier=1&v44" alt="Sessions today"></a> <a href="https://hub.docker.com/r/netdata/netdata"><img src="https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v3/badge.svg?chart=dockerhub.pulls_sum&divide=1000&precision=1&units=k&label=docker+hub+pulls&after=-86400&group=incremental-sum&label=docker%20hub%20pulls%20today&options=unaligned&tier=1&v44" alt="Docker Hub pulls today"></a> </p>

1. Install Netdata everywhere :v:

Netdata can be installed on all Linux, macOS, FreeBSD (and soon on Windows) systems. We provide binary packages for the most popular operating systems and package managers.

Check also the Netdata Deployment Guides to decide how to deploy it in your infrastructure.

By default, you will have immediately available a local dashboard. Netdata starts a web server for its dashboard at port 19999. Open up your web browser of choice and navigate to http://NODE:19999, replacing NODE with the IP address or hostname of your Agent. If installed on localhost, you can access it through http://localhost:19999.

Note: the binary packages we provide, install Netdata UI automatically. Netdata UI is closed-source, but free to use with Netdata Agents and Netdata Cloud.

2. Configure Collectors :boom:

Netdata auto-detects and auto-discovers most operating system data sources and applications. However, many data sources require some manual configuration, usually to allow Netdata to get access to the metrics.

3. Configure Alert Notifications :bell:

Netdata comes with hundreds of pre-configured alerts, that automatically check your metrics, immediately after they start getting collected.

Netdata can dispatch alert notifications to multiple third party systems, including: email, Alerta, AWS SNS, Discord, Dynatrace, flock, gotify, IRC, Matrix, MessageBird, Microsoft Teams, ntfy, OPSgenie, PagerDuty, Prowl, PushBullet, PushOver, RocketChat, Slack, SMS tools, Syslog, Telegram, Twilio.

By default, Netdata will send e-mail notifications, if there is a configured MTA on the system.

4. Configure Netdata Parents :family:

Optionally, configure one or more Netdata Parents. A Netdata Parent is a Netdata Agent that has been configured to accept streaming connections from other Netdata agents.

Netdata Parents provide:

You can also use Netdata Parents to:

5. Connect to Netdata Cloud :cloud:

Sign-in to Netdata Cloud and claim your Netdata Agents and Parents. If you connect your Netdata Parents, there is no need to connect your Netdata Agents. They will be connected via the Parents.

When your Netdata nodes are connected to Netdata Cloud, you can (on top of the above):

:love_you_gesture: Netdata Cloud does not prevent you from using your Netdata Agents and Parents directly, and vice versa.<br/>

:ok_hand: Your metrics are still stored in your network when you connect your Netdata Agents and Parents to Netdata Cloud.

<hr class="solid">

How it works

Netdata is built around a modular metrics processing pipeline.

<details><summary>Click to see more details about this pipeline...</summary> &nbsp;<br/>

Each Netdata Agent can perform the following functions:

  1. COLLECT metrics from their sources<br/> Uses internal and external plugins to collect data from their sources.

    Netdata auto-detects and collects almost everything from the operating system: including CPU, Interrupts, Memory, Disks, Mount Points, Filesystems, Network Stack, Network Interfaces, Containers, VMs, Processes, systemd units, Linux Performance Metrics, Linux eBPF, Hardware Sensors, IPMI, and more.

    It collects application metrics from applications: PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, Redis, MongoDB, Nginx, Apache, and hundreds more.

    Netdata also collects your custom application metrics by scraping OpenMetrics exporters, or via StatsD.

    It can convert web server log files to metrics and apply ML and alerts to them, in real-time.

    And it also supports synthetic tests / white box tests, so you can ping servers, check API responses, or even check filesystem files and directories to generate metrics, train ML and run alerts and notifications on their status.

  2. STORE metrics to a database<br/> Uses database engine plugins to store the collected data, either in memory and/or on disk. We have developed our own dbengine for storing the data in a very efficient manner, allowing Netdata to have less than 1 byte per sample on disk and amazingly fast queries.

  3. LEARN the behavior of metrics (ML)<br/> Trains multiple Machine-Learning (ML) models per metric to learn the behavior of each metric individually. Netdata uses the kmeans algorithm and creates by default a model per metric per hour, based on the values collected for that metric over the last 6 hours. The trained models are persisted to disk.

  4. DETECT anomalies in metrics (ML)<br/> Uses the trained machine learning (ML) models to detect outliers and mark collected samples as anomalies. Netdata stores anomaly information together with each sample and also streams it to Netdata Parents so that the anomaly is also available at query time for the whole retention of each metric.

  5. CHECK metrics and trigger alert notifications<br/> Uses its configured alerts (you can configure your own) to check the metrics for common issues and uses notifications plugins to send alert notifications.

  6. STREAM metrics to other Netdata Agents<br/> Push metrics in real-time to Netdata Parents.

  7. ARCHIVE metrics to 3rd party databases<br/> Export metrics to industry standard time-series databases, like Prometheus, InfluxDB, OpenTSDB, Graphite, etc.

  8. QUERY metrics and present dashboards<br/> Provide an API to query the data and present interactive dashboards to users.

  9. SCORE metrics to reveal similarities and patterns<br/> Score the metrics according to the given criteria, to find the needle in the haystack.

When using Netdata Parents, all the functions of a Netdata Agent (except data collection) can be delegated to Parents to offload production systems.

The core of Netdata is developed in C. We have our own libnetdata, that provides:

The above, and many more, allow Netdata developers to work on the application fast and with confidence. Most of the business logic in Netdata is a work of mixing the above.

Netdata data collection plugins can be developed in any language. Most of our application collectors though are developed in Go.



:shield: Is Netdata secure?

Of course, it is! We do our best to ensure it is!

<details><summary>Click to see detailed answer ...</summary> &nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>

We understand that Netdata is a software piece that is installed on millions of production systems across the world. So, it is important for us, Netdata to be as secure as possible:

 <br/> <br/>


:cyclone: Will Netdata consume significant resources on my servers?

No. It will not! We promise this will be fast!

<details><summary>Click to see detailed answer ...</summary> &nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>

Although each Netdata Agent is a complete monitoring solution packed into a single application, and despite the fact that Netdata collects every metric every single second and trains multiple ML models per metric, you will find that Netdata has amazing performance! In many cases, it outperforms other monitoring solutions that have significantly fewer features or far smaller data collection rates.

This is what you should expect:

Netdata has extensive internal instrumentation to help us reveal how the resources consumed are used. All these are available in the "Netdata Monitoring" section of the dashboard. Depending on your use case, there are many options to optimize resource consumption.

Even if you need to run Netdata on extremely weak embedded or IoT systems, you will find that Netdata can be tuned to be very performant.

 <br/> <br/>


:scroll: How much retention can I have?

As much as you need!

<details><summary>Click to see detailed answer ...</summary> &nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>

Netdata supports tiering, to downsample past data and save disk space. With default settings, it has 3 tiers:

  1. tier 0, with high resolution, per-second, data.
  2. tier 1, mid-resolution, per minute, data.
  3. tier 2, low-resolution, per hour, data.

All tiers are updated in parallel during data collection. Just increase the disk space you give to Netdata to get a longer history for your metrics. Tiers are automatically chosen at query time depending on the time frame and the resolution requested.

 <br/> <br/>


:rocket: Does it scale? I have really a lot of servers!

Netdata is designed to scale and can handle large volumes of data.

<details><summary>Click to see detailed answer ...</summary> &nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/> Netdata is a distributed monitoring solution. You can scale it to infinity by spreading Netdata Agents across your infrastructure.

With the streaming feature of the Agent, we can support monitoring ephemeral servers but also allow the creation of "monitoring islands" where metrics are aggregated to a few servers (Netdata Parents) for increased retention, or for offloading production systems.

Example: the following chart comes from a single Netdata Parent. As you can see on it, 244 nodes stream to it metrics of about 20k running containers. On this specific chart there are 3 dimensions per container, so a total of about 60k time-series queries are executed to present it.


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:floppy_disk: My production servers are very sensitive in disk I/O. Can I use Netdata?

Yes, you can!

<details><summary>Click to see detailed answer ...</summary> &nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>

The Netdata Agent has been designed to spread disk writes across time. Each metric is flushed to disk every 17 minutes (1000 seconds), but metrics are flushed evenly across time, at an almost constant rate. Also, metrics are packed into bigger blocks we call extents and are compressed with ZSTD before saving them, to minimize the number of I/O operations made.

The Netdata Agent also employs direct I/O for all its database operations. By managing its own caches, Netdata avoids overburdening system caches, facilitating a harmonious coexistence with other applications.

Single node Agents (not Parents), should have a constant write rate of about 50 KiB/s or less, with some spikes above that every minute (flushing of tier 1) and higher spikes every hour (flushing of tier 2).

Health Alerts and Machine-Learning run queries to evaluate their expressions and learn from the metrics' patterns. These are also spread over time, so there should be an almost constant read rate too.

To make Netdata not use the disks at all, we suggest the following:

  1. Use database mode alloc or ram to disable writing metric data to disk.
  2. Configure streaming to push in real-time all metrics to a Netdata Parent. The Netdata Parent will maintain metrics on disk for this node.
  3. Disable ML and health on this node. The Netdata Parent will do them for this node.
  4. Use the Netdata Parent to access the dashboard.

Using the above, the Netdata Agent on your production system will not use a disk.

 <br/> <br/>


:raised_eyebrow: How is Netdata different from a Prometheus and Grafana setup?

Netdata is a "ready to use" monitoring solution. Prometheus and Grafana are tools to build your own monitoring solution.

Netdata is also a lot faster, requires significantly less resources and puts almost no stress on the server it runs. For a performance comparison check this blog.

<details><summary>Click to see detailed answer ...</summary> &nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>

First, we have to say that Prometheus as a time-series database and Grafana as a visualizer are excellent tools for what they do.

However, we believe that such a setup is missing a key element: A Prometheus and Grafana setup assumes that you know everything about the metrics you collect and you understand deeply how they are structured, they should be queried and visualized.

In reality, this setup has a lot of problems. The vast number of technologies, operating systems, and applications we use in our modern stacks, makes it impossible for any single person to know and understand everything about anything. We get testimonials regularly from Netdata users across the biggest enterprises, that Netdata manages to reveal issues, anomalies and problems they were not aware of and they didn't even have the means to find or troubleshoot.

So, the biggest difference of Netdata to Prometheus, and Grafana, is that we decided that the tool needs to have a much better understanding of the components, the applications, and the metrics it monitors.

Still, if you are already familiar with Prometheus and Grafana, Netdata integrates nicely with them, and we have reports from users who use Netdata with Prometheus and Grafana in production.

 <br/> <br/>


:raised_eyebrow: How is Netdata different from DataDog, New Relic, Dynatrace, X SaaS Provider?

With Netdata your data are always on-prem and your metrics are always high-resolution.

<details><summary>Click to see detailed answer ...</summary> &nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>

Most commercial monitoring providers face a significant challenge: they centralize all metrics to their infrastructure and this is, inevitably, expensive. It leads them to one or more of the following:

  1. be unrealistically expensive
  2. limit the number of metrics they collect
  3. limit the resolution of the metrics they collect

As a result, they try to find a balance: collect the least possible data, but collect enough to have something useful out of it.

We, at Netdata, see monitoring in a completely different way: monitoring systems should be built bottom-up and be rich in insights, so we focus on each component individually to collect, store, check and visualize everything related to each of them, and we make sure that all components are monitored. Each metric is important.

This is why Netdata trains multiple machine-learning models per metric, based exclusively on their own past (no sampling of data, no sharing of trained models) to detect anomalies based on the specific use case and workload each component is used.

This is also why Netdata alerts are attached to components (instances) and are configured with dynamic thresholds and rolling windows, instead of static values.

The distributed nature of Netdata helps scale this approach: your data is spread inside your infrastructure, as close to the edge as possible. Netdata is not one data lane. Each Netdata Agent is a data lane and all of them together build a massive distributed metrics processing pipeline that ensures all your infrastructure components and applications are monitored and operating as they should.

 <br/> <br/>


:raised_eyebrow: How is Netdata different from Nagios, Icinga, Zabbix, etc.?

Netdata offers real-time, comprehensive monitoring and the ability to monitor everything, without any custom configuration required.

<details><summary>Click to see detailed answer ...</summary> &nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>

While Nagios, Icinga, Zabbix, and other similar tools are powerful and highly customizable, they can be complex to set up and manage. Their flexibility often comes at the cost of ease-of-use, especially for users who are not systems administrators or do not have extensive experience with these tools. Additionally, these tools generally require you to know what you want to monitor in advance and configure it explicitly.

Netdata, on the other hand, takes a different approach. It provides a "ready to use" monitoring solution with a focus on simplicity and comprehensiveness. It automatically detects and starts monitoring many different system metrics and applications out-of-the-box, without any need for custom configuration.

In comparison to these traditional monitoring tools, Netdata:

Even if you're already using Nagios, Icinga, Zabbix, or similar tools, you can use Netdata alongside them to augment your existing monitoring capabilities with real-time insights and user-friendly dashboards.

 <br/> <br/>


:flushed: I feel overwhelmed by the amount of information in Netdata. What should I do?

Netdata is designed to provide comprehensive insights, but we understand that the richness of information might sometimes feel overwhelming. Here are some tips on how to navigate and utilize Netdata effectively...

<details><summary>Click to see detailed answer ...</summary> &nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>

Netdata is indeed a very comprehensive monitoring tool. It's designed to provide you with as much information as possible about your system and applications, so that you can understand and address any issues that arise. However, we understand that the sheer amount of data can sometimes be overwhelming.

Here are some suggestions on how to manage and navigate this wealth of information:

  1. Start with the Metrics Dashboard<br/> Netdata's Metrics Dashboard provides a high-level summary of your system's status. We have added summary tiles on almost every section, you reveal the information that is more important. This is a great place to start, as it can help you identify any major issues or trends at a glance.

  2. Use the Search Feature<br/> If you're looking for specific information, you can use the search feature to find the relevant metrics or charts. This can help you avoid scrolling through all the data.

  3. Customize your Dashboards<br/> Netdata allows you to create custom dashboards, which can help you focus on the metrics that are most important to you. Sign-in to Netdata and there you can have your custom dashboards. (coming soon to the agent dashboard too)

  4. Leverage Netdata's Anomaly Detection<br/> Netdata uses machine learning to detect anomalies in your metrics. This can help you identify potential issues before they become major problems. We have added an AR button above the dashboard table of contents to reveal the anomaly rate per section so that you can easily spot what could need your attention.

  5. Take Advantage of Netdata's Documentation and Blogs<br/> Netdata has extensive documentation that can help you understand the different metrics and how to interpret them. You can also find tutorials, guides, and best practices there.

Remember, it's not necessary to understand every single metric or chart right away. Netdata is a powerful tool, and it can take some time to fully explore and understand all of its features. Start with the basics and gradually delve into more complex metrics as you become more comfortable with the tool.

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:cloud: Do I have to subscribe to Netdata Cloud?

Netdata Cloud delivers the full suite of features and functionality that Netdata offers, including a free community tier.

While our default onboarding process encourages users to take advantage of Netdata Cloud, including a complimentary one-month trial of our full business product, it is not mandatory. Users have the option to bypass this process entirely and still utilize the Netdata Agents along with the Netdata UI, without the need to sign up for Netdata Cloud.

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The Netdata Agent dashboard and the Netdata Cloud dashboard are the same. Still, Netdata Cloud provides additional features, that the Netdata Agent is not capable of. These include:

  1. Access your infrastructure from anywhere.
  2. Have SSO to protect sensitive features.
  3. Customizable (custom dashboards and other settings are persisted when you are signed in to Netdata Cloud)
  4. Configuration of Alerts and Data Collection from the UI
  5. Security (role-based access control - RBAC).
  6. Horizontal Scalability ("blend" multiple independent parents in one uniform infrastructure)
  7. Central Dispatch of Alert Notifications (even when multiple independent parents are involved)
  8. Mobile App for Alert Notifications

We encourage you to support Netdata by buying a Netdata Cloud subscription. A successful Netdata is a Netdata that evolves and gets improved to provide a simpler, faster and easier monitoring for all of us.

For organizations that need a fully on-prem solution, we provide Netdata Cloud for on-prem installation. Contact us for more information.

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:mag_right: What does the anonymous telemetry collected by Netdata entail?

Your privacy is our utmost priority. As part of our commitment to improving Netdata, we rely on anonymous telemetry data from our users who choose to leave it enabled. This data greatly informs our decision-making processes and contributes to the future evolution of Netdata.

Should you wish to disable telemetry, instructions for doing so are provided in our installation guides.

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Netdata is in a constant state of growth and evolution. The decisions that guide this development are ideally rooted in data. By analyzing anonymous telemetry data, we can answer questions such as: "What features are being used frequently?", "How do we prioritize between potential new features?" and "What elements of Netdata are most important to our users?"

By leaving anonymous telemetry enabled, users indirectly contribute to shaping Netdata's roadmap, providing invaluable information that helps us prioritize our efforts for the project and the community.

We are aware that for privacy or regulatory reasons, not all environments can allow telemetry. To cater to this, we have simplified the process of disabling telemetry:

These steps will disable the anonymous telemetry for your Netdata installation.

Please note, even with telemetry disabled, Netdata still requires a Netdata Registry for alert notifications' Call To Action (CTA) functionality. When you click an alert notification, it redirects you to the Netdata Registry, which then directs your web browser to the specific Netdata Agent that issued the alert for further troubleshooting. The Netdata Registry learns the URLs of your agents when you visit their dashboards.

Any Netdata Agent can act as a Netdata Registry. Simply designate one Netdata Agent as your registry, and our global Netdata Registry will no longer be in use. For further information on this, please refer to this guide.

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:smirk: Who uses Netdata?

Netdata is a widely adopted project...

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Browse the Netdata stargazers on GitHub to discover users from renowned companies and enterprises, such as ABN AMRO Bank, AMD, Amazon, Baidu, Booking.com, Cisco, Delta, Facebook, Google, IBM, Intel, Logitech, Netflix, Nokia, Qualcomm, Realtek Semiconductor Corp, Redhat, Riot Games, SAP, Samsung, Unity, Valve, and many others.

Netdata also enjoys significant usage in academia, with notable institutions including New York University, Columbia University, New Jersey University, Seoul National University, University College London, among several others.

And, Netdata is also used by numerous governmental organizations worldwide.

In a nutshell, Netdata proves invaluable for:

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:globe_with_meridians: Is Netdata open-source?

The Netdata Agent is open-source, but the overall Netdata ecosystem is a hybrid solution, combining open-source and closed-source components.

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Open-source is about sharing intellectual property with the world, and at Netdata, we embrace this philosophy wholeheartedly.

The Netdata Agent, the core of our ecosystem and the engine behind all our observability features, is fully open-source. Licensed under GPLv3+, the Netdata Agent represents our commitment to open-sourcing innovation in a wide array of observability technologies, including data collection, database design, query engines, observability data modeling, machine learning and unsupervised anomaly detection, high-performance edge computing, real-time monitoring, and more.

The Netdata Agent is our gift to the world, ensuring that the cutting-edge advancements we've developed are freely accessible to everyone.

However, as a privately funded company, we also need to monetize our open-source software to demonstrate product-market fit and sustain our growth.

Traditionally, open-source projects have often used the open-core model, where a basic version of the software is open-source, and additional features are reserved for a commercial, closed-source version. This approach can limit access to advanced innovations, as most of these remain closed-source.

At Netdata, we take a slightly different path. We don't create a separate enterprise version of our product. Instead, all users—whether commercial or not—utilize the same Netdata Agent, ensuring that all our observability innovations are always open-source.

To experience the full capabilities of the Netdata ecosystem, users need to combine the open-source components with our closed-source offerings. The complete product still remains free to use.

The closed-source components include:

By balancing open-source and closed-source components, we ensure that all users have access to our innovations while sustaining our ability to grow and innovate as a company.

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:moneybag: What is your monetization strategy?

Netdata generates revenue through subscriptions to advanced features of Netdata Cloud and sales of on-premise and private versions of Netdata Cloud.

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Netdata generates revenue from these activities:

  1. Netdata Cloud Subscriptions<br/> Direct funding for our project's vision comes from users subscribing to Netdata Cloud's advanced features.

  2. Netdata Cloud On-Prem or Private<br/> Purchasing the on-premises or private versions of Netdata Cloud supports our financial growth.

Our Open-Source Community and the free access to Netdata Cloud, contribute to Netdata in the following ways:

We don't monetize, directly or indirectly, users' or "device heuristics" data. Any data collected from community members are exclusively used for the purposes stated above.

Netdata grows financially when technology intensive organizations and operators, need - due to regulatory or business requirements - the entire Netdata suite on-prem or private, bundled with top-tier support. It is a win-win case for all parties involved: these companies get a battle tested, robust and reliable solution, while the broader community that helps us build this product, enjoys it at no cost.

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:book: Documentation

Netdata's documentation is available at Netdata Learn.

This site also hosts a number of guides to help newer users better understand how to collect metrics, troubleshoot via charts, export to external databases, and more.

:tada: Community

<p align="center"> <a href="https://discord.com/invite/2mEmfW735j"><img alt="Discord" src="https://img.shields.io/discord/847502280503590932?logo=discord&logoColor=white&label=chat%20on%20discord"></a> <a href="https://community.netdata.cloud"><img alt="Discourse topics" src="https://img.shields.io/discourse/topics?server=https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.netdata.cloud%2F&logo=discourse&label=discourse%20forum"></a> <a href="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/discussions"><img alt="GitHub Discussions" src="https://img.shields.io/github/discussions/netdata/netdata?logo=github&label=github%20discussions"></a> </p>

Netdata is an inclusive open-source project and community. Please read our Code of Conduct.

Join the Netdata community:

Meet Up :people_holding_hands::people_holding_hands::people_holding_hands:<br/> The Netdata team and community members have regular online meetups.<br/> You are welcome to join us! Click here for the schedule.

You can also find Netdata on:<br/> Twitter | YouTube | Reddit | LinkedIn | StackShare | Product Hunt | Repology | Facebook

:pray: Contribute

<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/graphs/contributors"><img alt="Open Source Contributors" src="https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/netdata/netdata?label=open-source%20contributors"></a> </p>

Contributions are essential to the success of open-source projects. In other words, we need your help to keep Netdata great!

What is a contribution? All the following are highly valuable to Netdata:

  1. Let us know of the best-practices you believe should be standardized<br/> Netdata should out-of-the-box detect as many infrastructure issues as possible. By sharing your knowledge and experiences, you help us build a monitoring solution that has baked into it all the best-practices about infrastructure monitoring.

  2. Let us know if Netdata is not perfect for your use case<br/> We aim to support as many use cases as possible and your feedback can be invaluable. Open a GitHub issue, or start a GitHub discussion about it, to discuss how you want to use Netdata and what you need.

    Although we can't implement everything imaginable, we try to prioritize development on use-cases that are common to our community, are in the same direction we want Netdata to evolve and are aligned with our roadmap.

  3. Support other community members<br/> Join our community on GitHub, Discord and Reddit. Generally, Netdata is relatively easy to set up and configure, but still people may need a little push in the right direction to use it effectively. Supporting other members is a great contribution by itself!

  4. Add or improve integrations you need<br/> Integrations tend to be easier and simpler to develop. If you would like to contribute your code to Netdata, we suggest that you start with the integrations you need, which Netdata does not currently support.

General information about contributions:

Package maintainers should read the guide on building Netdata from source for instructions on building each Netdata component from the source and preparing a package.


The Netdata ecosystem is comprised of three key components:

The binary installation packages provided by Netdata include the Netdata Agent and the Netdata UI. Since the Netdata Agent is open-source, it is frequently packaged by third parties (e.g. Linux Distributions) excluding the closed-source components (Netdata UI is not included). While their packages can still be useful in providing the necessary back-ends and the APIs of a fully functional monitoring solution, we recommend using the installation packages we provide to experience the full feature set of Netdata.