



This zsh theme is a fork of the bureau theme.

The appearance has not changed much, only the node.js version and git state have been rearranged for convenience.

The output of the ls -lah command, transformed by the firefoxic theme.

The most important change is that the node.js version indicator now works regardless of how node.js is installed. With the firefoxic theme you can use any node.js version manager (I use volta by the way 👀), it is not bound to nvm.

The output of the git status command. And also node.js version display with automatic version switching using Volta.

Adding this theme

Run these commands:

cd $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes
git clone git@github.com:firefoxic/firefoxic-zsh-theme.git
ln -s ./firefoxic-zsh-theme/firefoxic.zsh-theme firefoxic.zsh-theme

Now specify the firefoxic theme in the ~/.zshrc file:


And restart the terminal. Enjoy!