

Apex Google Sheets API Framework

<a href="https://githubsfdeploy.herokuapp.com?owner=financialforcedev&repo=ffhttp-googlesheets"> <img alt="Deploy to Salesforce" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afawcett/githubsfdeploy/master/src/main/webapp/resources/img/deploy.png"> </a>


An Apex framework has been created to provide functionality for Google Sheets API callouts.

This library extends the Core library to provide access to Google Sheets API calls found at https://developers.google.com/google-apps/spreadsheets/.

Samples demonstrating the use of this library can be found here.

NOTE: Unlike the other Google libraries (Google Cloud Print, Google Drive & Google Mirror), Google Sheets uses XML for requests rather than JSON.

Key Features

Sample Code

Each of the following code snippets demonstrate simple use cases for the spreadsheet API.

Obtain a list of all spreadsheets the user has access to:

//Create the credentials
ffhttp_Client.Credentials credentials = new ffhttp_Client.Credentials('Bearer', 'Sample Token');
ffhttp_GoogleSheets sheets = new ffhttp_GoogleSheets(credentials);
ffhttp_GoogleSheetsSpreadsheets spreadsheets = sheets.spreadsheets();
ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelAbstractObject.SheetsList sl = (ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelAbstractObject.SheetsList)spreadsheets.listRequest().execute();
List<ffhttp_IXmlSerializable> spreadsheetList = (List<ffhttp_IXmlSerializable>)sl.getItems();

Adding a worksheet to a spreadsheet:

//A sample test spreadsheet
String id = '1-SAVlKIqt77GwXypGOC7ladRgE0dujMHrP6UxT4XjU4';

//Create GoogleSheets, get the relevant spreadsheet and then the worksheets resource.
ffhttp_GoogleSheets sheets = new ffhttp_GoogleSheets(credentials);
ffhttp_GoogleSheetsSpreadsheets spreadsheets = sheets.spreadsheets();
ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelSheet sheet = (ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelSheet)spreadsheets.getRequest(id).execute();
ffhttp_GoogleSheetsWorksheets worksheets = sheets.worksheets();

//Create the worksheet with the appropriate metadata
ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelWorksheet worksheet = new ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelWorksheet();

//Insert the worksheet
ffhttp_GoogleSheetsWorksheets.InsertRequest insertRequest = worksheets.insertRequest(worksheet);
worksheet = (ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelWorksheet)insertRequest.execute();

Adding data to a worksheet:

//Following on from the last code snippet

//Get the cells resource
ffhttp_GoogleSheetsCells cells  = sheets.cells();

//To edit any cells you must first query those cells:
ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelBatch queryBatchCells = new ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelBatch();

//Get the first 4 cells (2x2 grid)
for (Integer row = 1; row <= 2; row++)
    for (Integer column = 1; column <= 2; column++)
        ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelCell cell = new ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelCell();
        cell.setId('https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/' + sheet.getShortId() + '/' + worksheet.getShortId() + '/private/full/R' + row + 'C' + column);
        queryBatchCells.addCell('query', cell);

//Execute the request and reassign queryBatchCells so that they contains all the relevant metadata.
queryBatchCells = (ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelBatch)cells.batchRequest(queryBatchCells).execute();

List<ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelCell> queryCells = queryBatchCells.getCellsForOperation('query');

//Update all the cells to contain an integer
ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelBatch updateBatchCells = new ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelBatch();

Integer i = 0;
for (ffhttp_GoogleSheetsModelCell cell : queryCells)
    cell.setInputValue('' + i);
    updateBatchCells.addCell('update', cell);



This section explains how to create a connection between Salesforce and Google Sheets using the packages described above.

Make sure that the Core and Google Sheets packages have been deployed to your Saleforce organisation.

Create an app in Google

  1. Log in to your Google account.
  2. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/project and select Create Project.
  3. Enter a project name and ok the dialog.
  4. Select the hyperlink for the project name that you just created.
  5. Select Credentials.
  6. Select Create new Client ID.
  7. Select Web application.
  8. Set the Authorized Javascript Origins url to the URL of the Salesforce organisation e.g. https://eu3.salesforce.com.
  9. Set the Authorized Redirect URIs to the same as above with apex/connector appended: e.g. https://eu3.salesforce.com/apex/connector.
  10. Make sure you know the Client Id and Client Secret as they will be needed later.
  11. Select the Consent screen.
  12. Enter a Product Name and save.

Create a Connector in Salesforce

This requires the OAuth Sample App to be deployed.

  1. Log in to your Salesforce organisation.
  2. Select the OAuth app.
  3. Select Connector Types then New.
  4. Enter a Connector Type Name e.g. Google Sheets.
  5. Set the Authorization Endpoint to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth.
  6. Set the Token Endpoint to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token.
  7. Set the Client ID to the client ID obtained earlier.
  8. Set the Client Secret to the client secret obtained earlier.
  9. Set the Redirect URI to the same URL as you set in step 12 in the Create an app in Google section.
  10. Make sure that Scope Required is checked.
  11. For full access to Google Sheets add https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds https://docs.google.com/feeds as the scope.
  12. Set the Extra Url Parameters to access_type=offline&approval_prompt=force. Setting access_type to offline means that Google supplies a refresh token with the access token which is required if you do not wish to reautheniticate every time the access token expires.
  13. Save the Connector Type.
  14. Select New Connector.
  15. Set the Connector Name and save.
  16. Select the Connector and then Activate. You will be directed to another Salesforce page that activates your connector.
  17. Select Authorize. This will prompt you to log in to your Google account (if you are not already logged in) and then authenticate the scope provided earlier. Select Accept to authorize.
  18. Select Save. The connector is now ready for use.

Note that authorization can be revoked at any point by either deleting the connector in Salesforce or revoking access to the app in Google (Select your profile then Account > Security > Account Permissions > Apps and website (View All), choose the app created and then select Revoke Access).

Google Sheets Scopes

Reporting Issues & Enhancements

Please report any issues using the github issues feature. Suggestions / bug reports are welcome as are extensions containing additional functionality.