

Google Cloud Print Sample Apps

<a href="https://githubsfdeploy.herokuapp.com?owner=financialforcedev&repo=ffhttp-googlecloudprint-samples"> <img alt="Deploy to Salesforce" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afawcett/githubsfdeploy/master/src/main/webapp/resources/img/deploy.png"> </a>


This app (or collection of apps) has been built to demonstrate the use of the Google Cloud Print and Core libraries.

It consists of two components:

  1. A test harness that provides a UI for performing all of the Google Cloud Print API calls.
  2. An implementation of the library that allows Account attachments to be printed to the Google Drive printer via Google Cloud Print.

Note: Currently, no test coverage for the sample apps has been provided.

Key Features


This section explains how to configure the Google Cloud Print Sample Apps.

  1. Deploy the Core package to your Salesforce organisation.
  2. Deploy the OAuth Sample App.
  3. Deploy the Google Cloud Print package.
  4. Deploy the Google Cloud Print Sample App.
  5. Go to Setup > Manage Users > Users.
  6. Select your user.
  7. Select Edit Assignments in the Permission Set Assignments section.
  8. Add the OAuth Sample App Permissions and Google Cloud Print Sample App Permissions permission sets and Save.
  9. Select the Google Cloud Print Sample App from the app menu.
    • The Test Harness, Opportunities, Connector Types and Connectors tabs should be displayed.
  10. Create a Google App following the steps in the Create an app in Google section below.
  11. Follow the Create a Google Cloud Print Connector in Salesforce steps below.
  12. Go to Setup > Customize > Accounts > Page Layouts.
  13. Select Edit on the Account Layout.
  14. Select the Buttons section.
  15. Add the Print Attachments button to the Custom Buttons section.
  16. Save the layout.
  17. Select an account from the Accounts tab.
    • The Print attachments button should be displayed.

###Create an app in Google

  1. Log in to your Google account.
  2. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/project and select Create Project.
  3. Enter a project name and ok the dialog.
  4. Select the hyperlink for the project name that you just created.
  5. Select Credentials.
  6. Select Create new Client ID.
  7. Select Web application.
  8. Set the Authorized Javascript Origins url to the URL of the Salesforce organisation e.g. https://eu3.salesforce.com.
  9. Set the Authorized Redirect URIs to the same as above with apex/connector appended: e.g. https://eu3.salesforce.com/apex/connector.
  10. Make sure you know the Client Id and Client Secret as they will be needed later.
  11. Select the Consent screen.
  12. Enter a Product Name and save.

###Create a Google Cloud Print Connector in Salesforce

  1. Log in to your Salesforce organisation.

  2. Go to the Developer Console and select Debug > Open Execute Anonymous Window.

  3. Run the following code changing the parameters to the appropriate values:

    GoogleCloudPrintConfigure.configure(<Google App Client Id>, <Google App Client Secret>, <Salesforce domain>);
  4. Check that the connector has been created and activate it.


Once the project is configured:

###Test Harness

  1. Select the Test Harness tab.
  2. Check that you get a message starting with 'Successful authentication'. If you do not, check that all the configuration steps have been peformed correctly.
  3. Expand any section to display the API calls, then select Submit to test the call.

###Account Print Attachment Sample App

  1. Select the Account tab and select an account.
  2. Create a new attachment. Attach a file.
  3. Select Print Attachments.
  4. Select the Print button next to the attachment.
  5. The attachment should be printed to Google Drive via Google Cloud Print.

Reporting Issues & Enhancements

Please report any issues using the github issues feature. Suggestions / bug reports are welcome as are extensions containing additional functionality.