

The Fimbullinter project

Pluggable TypeScript and JavaScript linter

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Available Packages

Wotan docs

The main linter runtime with a well-chosen set of builtin rules. Customizable with your own rules, processors, formatters, shareable configurations and plugin modules.

Please refer to the docs for a detailed explanation of available rules, configuration and usage.


Official processor for Vue Single File Components (SFC). Extracts the script content from your *.vue files for linting.

Heimdall docs

Compatibility layer to allow the use of TSLint rules and formatters inside the Wotan runtime.

Valtýr docs

Make wotan behave almost like TSLint. Reuse your existing tslint.json without any change.

Bifröst docs

Allows authors of TSLint rules and formatters to provide their package for the use inside Wotan. Rules and formatters that use Bifröst don't need Heimdall to function correctly.

Ymir docs

Provides core types for custom rules and plugin authors.

Mímir docs

Contains all core rules, formatters and configuration presets.

Mithotyn docs

LanguageService Plugin for TypeScript. Provides real-time in-editor linting while you type.

Further Documentation


What is this all about?

What's up with those names?

Norse mythology:

Fimbullinter comes from Fimbulwinter, the awful 3 years lasting winter that precedes the events of Ragnarök. 'fimbul' means 'the great', 'linter' is a tool that detects and warns about certain coding patterns.

Wotan is one of the many names of Odin, the All-Father. You may also know him by the name Woden, Wodan, Wensley, etc. Woden is a sacrificial god, bloodthirsty and cruel. He is constantly striving for wisdom. From his throne he can see everything in the nine worlds happening.

is the youngest of the three bothers Woden, Vili and Vé who together slew the giant Ymir and created the nine worlds from his body.

To the first human couple, Ask and Embla, Odin gave soul and life; Vili gave wit (intelligence) and sense of touch; and Vé gave countenance (appearance, facial expression), speech, hearing, and sight.

Heimdall (also known as Heimdallr), located where the burning rainbow bridge Bifröst meets heaven, keeps watch for the onset of Ragnarök.

Bifröst is the burning rainbow bridge that connects the world of humans with the realm of gods.

Valtýr, from "valr" (the dead, slain in battle) and "týr" (god), means God of the Slain and is often used to refer to Odin.

Ymir is the giant of whose body the whole world was created. He is the ancestor of all jötnar.

Mímir ("The rememberer, the wise one") renowned for his knowledge and wisdom. The god Odin carries around Mímir's head and it recites secret knowledge and counsel to him.

Mithotyn (actually "Mitoðinn", meaning "dispenser of fate") introduces rules where there were none. Fills Odin's place during his travels to foreign lands.

Why yet another linter?

This one tries to avoid design decisions of other linters that turned out to be problematic:

Differences to TSLint

Supported Environments

This project runs on all actively supported versions of Node.js.

This project officially supports the latest 3 stable version of TypeScript. As of writing this is 3.0 - 3.2. It should work with TypeScript's nightly builds (typescript@next), but there is no guarantee.

Custom rules should at least use ES6 to have support for native classes. Otherwise you run into problems when trying to extend classes exported from any of the packages.

Semantic Versioning (SemVer policy)

:warning: The following policy does only apply for the yet to come 1.x and following releases. Every release in the 0.x range is considered experimental. There can and will be breaking API changes without deprecation.

In theory every change to a rule can break users and could be considered a breaking change. To avoid releasing a new major version for every bug fix, we have slightly different guidelines as outlined below.

Prereleases (nightly builds)

Patch Releases

Minor Releases

Major Releases

Release Schedule

Currently there is no fixed release schedule. Nightly builds are published every night if there are changes on master. Patch releases are published as soon as bugs are identified and fixed. Minor releases are published every week or two if there are changes on master. Major releases are published once enough breaking changes have piled up.


Apache-2.0 © Klaus Meinhardt