

react-native, es6 & reflux boilerplate

As the very long repo title indicates, this is a boilerplate repository that includes the following:

Getting started

  1. Clone this project

  2. Install dependencies:

    $ npm install
  3. Start the webpack watcher (it builds the index.ios.js file expected by React Native)

  4. Open ReactNativeEs6Reflux.xcodeproj in XCode and run the project - it should look like this:

    <img alt="iOS Simulator running this boilerplate" src="http://i.imgur.com/OKELxXP.png" height="50%" width="50%">

Javascript file structure

  - src/
    stores/ -  Reflux stores
      color_store.js - Example store implementation
    components/ - React components
      app.jsx - Top-level app component

    action.js - Reflux action definitions
    styles.js - StyleSheet definition(s)
    main.js   - Application bootstrap with react-native, transpiler entry-point

Included in the example:


This boilerplate was created by Filipe Dobreira. It includes auto-generated code (through react-native init), and code by Roman Liutikov (namely the webpack configuration).