Inject your services with magic.
A super-simple library to auto-magically inject named services from a $services
* argument. Services
come from service providers, that can be introduced to Gimme through a simple stack layout.
* Or not, have a look at Gimme\Resolver::setArgumentName
use Gimme\Resolver;
use Pimple;
use Foo;
// Create a service provider, for this example, using Pimple:
$pimple = new Pimple;
$pimple['myService'] = function() {
return new Foo;
// Introduce the provider to Gimme, wrapping it in a closure
// that knows how to talk to Pimple:
$resolver = new Resolver;
function($serviceName) use($pimple) { return $pimple[$serviceName]; };
// Use it. Tell Gimme that this callable (which can be a closure, a function
// or a method) wants to use a service called 'myService', which one of the
// registered service providers will be able to fetch for you.
$resolver->call(function($services = array('myService')) {
var_dump($services->myService); #=> instance of Foo
Light-weight, tested code-base.
Hands-off service injection through the $services argument
Stupid-simple to implement support for any type of service provider
Your callable/method's arguments are preserved, so it's a great fit with those modern space-age frameworks
// warning: example may not make much sense $app->get('/user/{id}', $resolver->bind(function($id, $services = array('user') { return $services->user->get($id); }));
Service providers may be a simple closure:
$resolver->pushProvider(function($serviceName) { if($serviceName == 'bananas') { return 'Here, have some bananas!'; } });
Support for callable-binding (bind your callable to the method injector, call it whenever).
$bound = $resolver->bind(function($services = array('someService')) { return $services->someService->doThings(); }); // Give the bound method to your killer router of sorts: $app->get('/foo', $bound);
Support for service-name aliases:
$resolver->alias('bananaService', 'turnipService'); $resolver->call(function($services = array('bananaService')) { print "I love {$services->bananaService->name()}!"; #=> I love turnip! });
Should I use this?
Dunno. It was fun to work on, but I'm not going to be the one to tell you to use it. The code is solid, if there's a point in using it for your needs, it's a point for you to make.
Install it:
Use Composer, add the following to your composer.json
"require": {
"filp/gimme": "dev-master"
And then:
$ composer install