

:warning: This project is archived and the repository is no longer maintained.


A framework-independent, overflow: auto polyfill for use in responsive design.

License: Open-source MIT license

Copyright 2013: Scott Jehl, Filament Group, Inc.

See the project site for detailed documentation.

Project Goals

The goals of Overthrow are simple: create a reliable way to safely use CSS overflow in responsive designs, polyfilling support in non-native environments where possible, and if not, letting things scroll with the rest of the page).



You can grab the latest of the core and extensions on the releases pages, or see how to do a custom build below.


Basic use

First, download and reference overthrow.js from your document. Anywhere's fine.

<script src="overthrow.js"></script>

Then put a class of overthrow on any elements in which you'd like to apply overflow: auto or scroll CSS.

<div id="foo" class="overthrow">Content goes here!</div>

In browsers that Overthrow deems capable of scrolling overflow content (either natively, or using its touch polyfill), it will add a class of overthrow-enabled to the html element. Add the following CSS to your stylesheet somewhere, enabling overflow on all elements in your document that have an overthrow class.

/* Overthrow CSS:
   Enable overflow: auto on elements with overthrow class when html element has overthrow class too */
.overthrow-enabled .overthrow {
    overflow: auto;
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

That's it. Design away! Any time you want to set dimensions on an element to use overflow scrolling, just be sure to key off that overthrow class on the HTML element, and overflow: auto will apply.

.overthrow-enabled #foo {
    height: 28em;


Overthrow exposes various properties you can access via the overthrow object:

Many overthrow settings are exposed and configurable via the overthrow object. If needed, you can redefine these before calling set().


Overthrow exposes various methods you can use via the overthrow object:

For example:

    document.getElementById( "foo" ),
        top: 150,
        left: "+30",
        duration: 80,
        easing: function (t, b, c, d) {
            return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t + 1) + b;

Source files

Overthrow's src directory includes several files:

All above files depend upon overthrow-detect.js but are otherwise independent of one another and can be used that way.

Creating a custom build

You can grab any of the above files manually from this repo, but to create a custom build of any of the above files, you'll need grunt.js. Once installed, you can check out this project's gruntfile.js file to see various pre-configured build options that are available when you run grunt.

Extension files

Overthrow's extensions directory incudes several behavioral extensions you might find useful.

These both depend on overthrow-detect.js, overthrow-toss.js, and overthrow-init.js.


Simple sidescroller with momentum scrolling

The sidescroller extension (not included by default) makes a horizontal carousel-like component of an overflow area. This provides you with carousel-like functionality, built on a system of tiered fallbacks. The Sidescroller area’s child elements can be fixed-width

<ul> <li> <h5><a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/examples/sidescroller/fixed-width.html">Fixed width styling</a></h5> </li> <li> <h5><a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/examples/sidescroller/variable.html">Variable width styling</a></h5> </li> </ul>

Sidescroller README

See the README.

We’ve produced a number of self-contained extensions that add to or alter the basic Sidescroller functionality:

<ul> <li> <h5><a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/examples/sidescroller/snap.html">Snap extension</a></h5> The `snap` extension ensures that the Sidescroller’s child elements are always aligned flush with the Overthrow container when scrolling ends. </li> <li> <h5><a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/examples/sidescroller/hiddenscrollbar.html">Hidden scrollbar</a></h5> A small snippet of CSS that hides the Sidescroller’s sidebar, giving it a carousel-like appearance. </li> <li> <h5><a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/examples/sidescroller/goto.html">Goto extension</a></h5> The `goto` extension provides a method for programmatically scrolling to individual child elements. </li> <li> <h5><a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/examples/sidescroller/append.html">Append extension</a></h5> The `append` extension provides a method for gracefully handling the addition of child elements. </li> <li> <h5><a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/examples/sidescroller/skiplinks.html">Skiplink extension</a></h5> The `skiplink` extension adds controls that allow the user to skip to the start/end of Sidescroller. </li> </ul>

By default, the Sidescroller controls will do nothing at the start/end of navigation. There are two methods for changing this behavior:

<ul> <li> <a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/examples/sidescroller/disabled-nav.html">Disable nav extension</a> Will add a `disabled` class to nav items upon reaching the start/end of a Sidescroller region. </li> <li> <a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/examples/sidescroller/rewind.html">Rewind extension</a> The `rewind` extension will allow the Sidescroller to animate back to the first child element upon navigating beyond the last element. </li> </ul>

A more extensive list of demos is available in the Sidescroller README.

Functional tests

<ul> <li> <a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/test/functional/sidescroller/two-test.html">Two basic sidescrollers</a> Two simple Sidescroller elements on a single page, ensuring that there are no conflicts or overlaps in the logic between the two. </li> <li> <a href="http://filamentgroup.github.io/Overthrow/test/functional/sidescroller/kitchensink.html">Kitchen sink</a> All of the above Sidescroller demos on a single page. </li> </ul>

Browser Support

Overthrow's goal is to create an accessible experience in every browser, and if possible, an enhanced experience in modern browsers. As such, Overthrow has 3 potential support situations: native, polyfilled, or none (which simply means the content is left uncropped and tall/wide). Here's where some popular browsers land on that spectrum:

<table id="support"> <thead><tr><th>User Agent</th><th>Result</th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr><td>IE 10 (touch and desktop)</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr> <tr><td>Chrome (desktop)</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr> <tr><td>Firefox (desktop)</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr> <tr><td>Internet Explorer (desktop)</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr> <tr><td>Opera (desktop)</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr> <tr><td>Safari (desktop)</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr> <tr><td>Any browser on screen > 1200px wide w/ no touch support</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Mobile Safari on iOS5: iPhone, iPod, iPad</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Chrome on Android</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Webkit on Android 3.0+</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Nokia N8 WebKit</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>BlackBerry 7 WebKit</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>BlackBerry PlayBook Webkit</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Firefox Mobile (Fennec) 4+</td><td><span class="native">native</span></td></tr>

    <tr><td>Mobile Safari on iOS4 and older: iPhone, iPod, iPad</td><td><span class="polyfilled">polyfilled</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Android 2.3 and under, WebKit</td><td><span class="polyfilled">polyfilled</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Amazon Kindle Fire</td><td><span class="polyfilled">polyfilled</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Nokia N9, WebKit</td><td><span class="polyfilled">polyfilled</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>BlackBerry 6, WebKit</td><td><span class="polyfilled">polyfilled</span></td></tr>

    <tr><td>Opera Mini</td><td><span class="none">none</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Opera Mobile</td><td><span class="none">none</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Windows Phone 7 and 7.5</td><td><span class="none">none</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>BlackBerry 5 and under</td><td><span class="none">none</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Nokia Devices without touch event support</td><td><span class="none">none</span></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Any non-touch supporting device</td><td><span class="none">none</span></td></tr>


For known issues with Overthrow, or to file a new one, please visit the issue tracker


Unit tests use QUnit and can be run from the /test/ directory.