

Hierarchical Crop and Agriculture Taxonomy Extension Specification

This document explains the Hierarchical Crop and Agriculture Taxonomy (HCAT) Extension to the Field Boundaries for Agriculture (fiboa) Specification.

The Hierarchical Crop and Agriculture Taxonomy (HCAT) was defined by the Eurocrops project, which harmonized a number of European crop datasets. It provides a consistent schema for crop classification, covering almost 400 different crop types, and is currently on it's third iteration. The HCAT core list of names and codes is defined in the file HCAT3.csv. Its goal is to harmonise all declared crops across the European Union, but it is likely a useful as crop classification taxonomy beyond Europe.

Note that this extension does not attempt to use the exact same field names as Eurocrops, as they were designed for use with Shapefiles, a restriction Fiboa does not share. This attempts to be more descriptive, and fit with the 'Fiboa style', reusing the 'EC_' prefix of the original fields, but adapting it to be ec:. But feedback is welcome, we could have it stay more true, or also adapt it more (like use hcat: as the prefix).


The properties in the table below can be used in these parts of fiboa documents:

Property NameTypeDescription
ec:hcat_namestringThe machine-readable HCAT name of the crop
ec:hcat_codeuint32The 10-digit HCAT code indicating the hierarchy of the crop
ec:translated_namestringThe original crop name translated into English


See the contributing guideline for more details.