

Crop field Extension Specification

This document explains the Crop field Extension to the Field Boundaries for Agriculture (fiboa) Specification.

Many published crop field datasets use a crop code list to identify the crop on each crop field. This extension harmonizes the columns to describe a coding list, a crop code and a crop name.


The properties in the table below can be used in these parts of fiboa documents:

Property NameTypeDescription
crop:code_liststringREQUIRED A link to the code list
crop:codestringREQUIRED The crop code
crop:namestringCrop name in the original language.
crop:name_enstringCrop name in English


The crop:code_list should be an permanent URL with a CSV file (separator: ,) with at least columns original_code, original_name, translated_name as headers. Examples of usable code lists are the EuroCrops code lists. A valid value for crop:code_list would be https://github.com/maja601/EuroCrops/blob/main/csvs/country_mappings/dk_2019.csv.


See the contributing guideline for more details.