


njump is a HTTP Nostr static gateway that allows you to browse profiles, notes and relays; it is an easy way to preview a resource and then open it with your preferred client. The typical use of njump is to share a resource outside the Nostr world, where the Nostr: schema is not (yet) working.

njump has some special features to effectively share notes on platforms that offer links preview, like Twitter and Telegram.

njump currently lives under njump.me, you can reach it appending a Nostr NIP-19 entity (npub, nevent, nprofile, naddr, etc.) or a NIP-05 address after the domain, e.g. njump.me/nevent1xxxxxx...xxx or njump.me/xxxx@zzzzz.com

For more information about njump's philosophy and its use, read the presentation on the homepage.

Supported Kinds

1Short Text Note1
1063File Metadata94
1311Live Chat Message53
30023Long-form Content23
30024Draft Long-form Content23
30311Live Event53
30818Wiki article54
31922Date-Based Calendar Event52
31923Time-Based Calendar Event52


Running locally

The easiest way to start is to run the development server with just (if you have it installed) or with TAILWIND_DEBUG=true go run .. You can also check the contents of justfile to see other useful scripts.

For live-reload you can use air and start it with air -c .air.toml -- this will run it without the local cache, which can be annoying if you're not specifically debugging the part of the code that loads content, so you may want to run it with air -c .air.toml --build.cmd 'go build -o ./tmp/main .'. These run modes will recompile the Tailwind bundle on every restart and they assume you have the tailwind CLI installed globally.

Running from a precompiled binary

You can grab one from the releases, unpack and run it.


To build and run in a Docker container:

docker build -t njump .
docker run -e DOMAIN=njump.mydomain.com -p 2999:2999 njump

Environment variables

These are the defaults that you can change by setting environment variables in your system before running:


RELAY_CONFIG_FILE is path to json file to update relay configuration. You can set relay list like below:

  "everything": [

See relay-config.json.sample for example.

For example, when running from a precompiled binary you can do something like PORT=5000 ./njump.